Chapter 3

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I turned to Indie, her eyes started swelling up with tears.

"MEGAN! We've waited for this for so long and you've just forgotten the wristbands! Oh my god Megan what are we going to do?" Her voice was shaky and rough.

"No no no Indieit's going to be okay!" I gave her a reassuring hug as I could tell she was about to start crying. "We'll just ring your mum and ask her to pick them up for us, trust me Indie don't worry!"

"Right... Okay. But what if she doesn't pick up? Or the car brakes down? Megan what if we don't get to meet them?!"

All these thoughts were now going through my head and I was starting to worry myself. "Indie, just ring your mum and see what she says."

She looked down at her phone and started typing, She put her phone up to her ear in hope her mum would answer. "Mum! We forgot the wristband, I dont know what we're going to do?!" A tear then strolled down her cheek as she looked up at me and bit her lip. "Yeah...No...What> No mum, oh my god!...Okay will do, yeah bye."

I grabbed her hand tightly. "Please tell me were still meeting them." She pulled me in for a hug and from this i knew the answer. We both started walking away from the queue with our heads down holding each others hands when we started to hear all the girls screaming what makes you beautiful at the top of their lungs. We both turned round and sighed.

"I guess that's it then... I knew it was too good to be true." Indie whispered.

"No Indie, we will meet them just not today.." I slowly let go off her hand. "Come on, let's go shopping to take our minds off it." I forced a smile.

"Yeah okay, we might even bump into the boys as we will be in the same building as them!" I could tell Indie was getting excited again.

"Don't get your hopes up. Look what's just happened now, adn that's when we actually had the wristbands!" I said letting her down.

"Mm." Shit. I think that was a bit too harsh and i just reminded her of the whole situation when I'm trying to take her mind off it. This will be hard as we're probably going to see most of the fans skipping round all jolly with signed books and CD's. Todays going to go so slow.

"OH MY GOD!! HARRY KISSED MY CHEEK! OH MY GOD I CANT BREATHE AHHH!!!" I quickly turned round as I heard girls from all over the shop screaming about how the boys were. I looked back at Indie, expecting her to be stood next to me.. But she wasn't.

"Indie?" I whispered. Where could of that girl gone now. She wouldn't be far, probably just looking around or in the changing rooms. "Indie, where the hell are you?" Speaking a bit louder so that if she was in the shop she could hear me, but I got no reply. I described her to the shop assistant asking if she saw her but she just shrugged. Thanks for the help. I then walked out of the shop in confusion thinking she'd be outside.

"Megan over here!" I recognised Indie's voice. I looked around to see a figure waving at m direction. I quinted and slowly lifted my hand up waving back. I could see her next to two taller men, what the hell was going on?!

"Come over here, I have some good news!" She then started jumping up and down so I jogged over giggling to myself.

"Indie why did you just leave me? I was worried about you, you could of been anywhere for all i knew! You could of texted me or something! And who are they? What's going on?"

"Okay okay, one question at a time. Right.."  a huge grin spread across her face. " these are two of One Direction's security guards and they saw me walk out of the queue earlier today and was wondering why we went in the queue and then just started walking away from it looking upset." She had to take a huge breath after saying it all so quickly. "So yeah." She still kept that cheesey grin on her face though. 

"So... Does this mean we are meeting them after all?!" I started getting the same fuzzy feeling i got this morning.

"Yes." One of the security men said in a stubborn voice. Indie just stared at me smiling like an idiot slightly jumping up and down trying to get me to join in. I looked over at the one of security guards who had a little smirk on his face, which made me giggle. 

"Follow us ladies." Said the other security guy. We hald each others hands firmly and started prancing about behind both the men. W were both so immature and I bet we looked like fools but at the time I really couldn't care less, we we're both so excited all over again.

"Right this way." One of the secuirty men said leading us outside. Me and Indie both looked at each with the same facial expression, wondering what was going on. Indie bavelt spoke up, "Um... Why are you taking us into the car park?"

He just chuckled to himself at how confused we were. "Were taking you to see the boys remember? There back at the hotel so we've got to drive you there... If that's okay with your guardians."

This kinda freaked us out a bit because he could taken us anywhere and he might not even work for One Direction for all we knew. But I still had a bit of trust in him.

"Yeah it'll be fine." I replied smiling, until Indie nudged me.

Indie bent over to whispear in my ear. "What are you doing? They could take us anywhere, we dont even know them!" 

"Come on Indie, I know that but its now or never. We've lost one chance of meeting them today, i dont want to lose another... Do you?" I smirked to myself knowing she'd agree with me.

"I suppose not, but if they kill us then i'm going to kill you!" I burst out laughing at how stupid that comment was. "Wait... I wouldn't be able to kill you.. Fuck of Megan." This made me laugh even more and in the end we were both in hysterics.

"Are you ladies ready?" One of the men asked us. He had the car door open waiting for us to get in.

"We sure are!" Indie said in a hill billy voice, doing some kind of hill billy dance. I tried to join in inbetween my laughing. Why are we so funny?

We got in the car in amazement. It looked so much smaller on the outside than it actually was on the inside. 

"The ride will only be about 10 minutes, call us if you need anything." Said the security man in the drivers seat.

"Okay, thank you so much for this by the way!" I said to him.

He turned round with a shocked smile on his face, as though hes never been thanksed before. "It's my pleasure." 

I just smiled back.

Okay, so this chapter is a bit longer than the other two because i realised they were quite short:) so yeah, hope you're enjoying it so far. And dont worry the boys WILL be in the next chapter! Please leave comments and vote, thank

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