A bad boy...T-Mills fanfiction

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A bad boy
Wow , it's already my sophomore year In high school. Freshman year flew by, it was an amazing year but I'm excited to see what this year will be like.
First day of 10th grade. I was so nervous but also excited, the weather was beautiful and I had the perfect outfit for the first day. I decided to wear my dark ripped jeans with red vans, and my ninja turtle shirt. After I got out of bed I took my hair out of the 2 French braids, and combed through my hair undoing the braids with my fingers. The kinky waves layered onto my shoulders giving a beachy feel to it. The long caramel highlights looked extra golden today, which was good, the keratin worked and my hair was silky smooth.
As soon as I brushed my teeth I put on some mascara and blush and walked into the kitchen, seeing my beautiful mother smiling at me as she was making her coffee and spreading peanut butter on her English muffin. "Good morning" my mom said to me as I walked over to the cupboard , opening it and grabbing a granola bar on the shelf. I grabbed my books and backpack and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek, already knowing that my dad was waiting in the car. It was 7:25 and I was supposed to be leaving by now.
As I got into the car my dad said good morning and told me I looked nice. Like he does every day. I could be wearing sweatpants and a paper bag over my head and he would still tell me I look nice. We pulled up into the school parking lot and my dad dropped me off near the door. I gave him a hug telling him to have a nice day.

When I got into school, it was 7:35 and already tons of kids had gotten to school early, all reading their schedules, probably seeing if they have any classes with their friends.
I wandered through the halls reading my schedule checking each classroom. It was already 7:50 when the first bell rang. I began walking to my first class, physics, trust me I wasn't looking forward to it , but I had to go. When I entered the classroom, I took the seat in the second to last row. There were only about 6 people in class but i didn't know anyone yet.
Class began at 8:00, and every seat was taken, except one seat all the way in the back.. I wonder who sat there? And I wonder why they weren't here on the first day.
About half way through class someone came walking through the door. Everyone faced the door as a boy came towards the desks. He was mesmerizing.
The boy had tattoos going up his arms and a few on his neck. His Gage's were about medium size and he was wearing dark jeans, black vans , a blue button down and a grey beanie. His hair was short but had a small quiff peaking out of his beanie. He looked at me and my heart stopped for a second. His eyes met mine. They were brown. I love brown eyes.
"Hello can I help you?" The teacher asked the boy, as he was standing near the door, eyes locked on mine.
"I'm in your class, physics with Mr Cowaski right" the boy said, smirking at me then looking back at our teacher.
"Ah yes, you must be Mr. Mills, please take a seat in the back near Katie." Oh my. I'm Katie. He was coming to sit near me. He walked over and sat in the seat near me, glancing at me as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, checking the time. "Excuse me, do you have a pencil?" He asked, I winced, feeling the blood flow to my cheeks, as they turned bright red.
"Yes I do, here you go, and here's a piece of p-paper if you n-need it t-too." Why the hell did I stutter? I never stutter. Ugh great.
Throughout class I looked at him and then quickly looked at either the board or at my paper. When class was over I grabbed my stuff and was about to leave. The boy grabbed my wrist and looked at me, smiling.
"You didn't even introduce yourself, what's your name?" He asked, his eyes seemed curious and naive. It was quite funny.
"My name is Katie, didn't you hear our teacher?" I asked, tucking a stran of hair behind my ear. Keeping my eyes on my vans.
"Yeah I did, but I wanted an excuse to talk to you babe. My name is Travis. Travis Mills.
Even his name was gorgeous. "Hey Travis, well I'm sorry but I gotta go to Spanish class." He grabbed my books before I could pick them up.
"Well , at least let me walk you to class." He told me, giving me a quick wink and leading me to Spanish class with my books in one hand and his other hand wrapped around my wrist.

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