Vans: a Connor Franta Fanfic

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I took a good long look at myself in the mirror. I know I was just going to Starbucks, but I needed to look my best. After my big wave of depression hit me like a wall, I haven't felt good about myself for months. Today was different. I felt happy, actually happy today. My names Abbie, Abbie Jane. I have hip length long brown hair, and I'm 5'4. I have scars littering my body, but I don't pay mind to them. That was my past, this is my present. I liked how I looked today, my hair was in a loose braid, I had on purple high waisted shorts and a vans crop top. My sunglasses were holding back my bangs, and I had on white vans. My phone buzzed and I smiled. It was my cousin, Autumn, here to walk with me. My nearest Starbucks was only a few blocks away, and it was a nice day out. When we entered the shop, everything smelled way more amazing then usual. There were not many people there, only a few older women and a group of 5 guys who looked my age. My cousin was 29 and I was 19. Autumn offered to order me my usual while I found a seat. The group of guys were quite good looking so I sat a couple tables away from them. One of the guys kept shooting glances at me, I pretended not to notice. He had brownish blonde hair and the most amazing eyes. His smile seemed to light up the room. His friends kept nudging him and whispering at him. I wasn't close enough to hear them, but I did make out a few words. "Ask her" the boy with the brown hair and a beanie on said. Her? Does he mean me? "So shy!" The boy with the curly brown hair and rosy cheeks said. Are they talking about me? The boy in the vans shirt glared at the rest of the boys and said "fine! I'll do it." He begins to raise awkwardly when Autumn comes to join me. I glanced over at the guys to see the boy in the vans shirt sit down again, as if defeated. I looked at Autumn and in a hushed voice asked her to go to the washroom for a minute. I need to know what that boy was going to do. She nodded silently and stood up to go. I looked over and all the boys were looking at me. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I sat there awkwardly. The boy again stands up and begins walking towards me. He was so attractive I thought to myself. Once he reached my table, he looked down and asked if the seat opposite me was taken. I politely said no, just loud enough for him to hear. He sat down and looked at me. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green.

"My names Connor." The boy said strongly, his voice cracking. He looked down in embarrassment, cheeks blushing furiously. I smiled lightly and replied.

"I'm Abbie." He looks back up at me and smiles.

"That's a pretty name" he says, smirking. I giggle and thank him. " I know this is kinda sudden..." He says, looking down once again. "But can I have your number?" My eyes widen in surprise. An extremely attractive boy, wants MY number?! "I-I'm sorry" he stammered, fidgeting with his hands. "I'll leave you." He begins to get up and walk away but I stop him. I apologize, and say I'm just surprised someone like him wants my number. He smiles at me and jokes; "what's that supposed to mean?" He says laughing.

"It means" I start, then notice all the other guys watching us, smiling. "Never mind what it means" I say. "Why don't you introduce me to your clique?" Connor laughs and guides me through the tables.

"This is JC..." He says, motioning to the guy in the beanie. "Sam..." Rosy cheeks. "Ricky..." The one in the tanktop. "And Kian..." The one with the tall hair. They all smile at me and ask my name. I look at Connor then to the ground. "This is Abbie." He says, looking at me and smiling. I look up and give a shy hello. They invite me to come sit with them, and I notice Autumn is back at our table, her face a look of confusement. I mouthed 'Ill explain later' and sat down with the boys.

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