Green Arrow (book 2)

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(Once again just a reminder this is a fan-fic like the first book so there will be a lot of story changing between the Justice League and Green Arrow origin stories but I promise to do my best to make it enjoyable and unlike the first book I will include more stuff about Oliver Queen's private life.)

Queen Consolidated.

10:00 PM

I gazed out the window inside Queen Consolidated, the home company of the Queen family was falling and someone needed to control it once again in this family. Ever since my mothers death the companies ratings have fallen and it got worst when no one was taking head place of it. I bought 95% of the company and the other five percent goes to my sister who agreed to take care of the company with me. The rich in this city are becoming richer and poor are just getting deprived because of the "high-ranking" lot of this city have been increasing the taxes and water bills, The Glades is falling apart and so is Starling City. This time it won't just be The Green Hood who's going to save it but I as Oliver Queen will do everything in my power to save Starling City.

'The television inside my office was turned onto The Starling Star News as a news report had announced that the recent vigilante of Starling City, whom calls himself Red Arrow has taken out three bank robbers and saved twenty citizens of Star City that were held hostage at the scene. Police investigations are still trying as hard as they can to catch down to who the vigilante's of Starling City are but there was no success on doing so.

Now enough of the breaking news as The Starling City might be seeing a new face to Mayor, Sebastian Blood has finally declared that he will be running for Mayor, this morning he made his speech at the Starling City Hall, the news reporter had put on the footage of Sebastian's speech

*This city needs a leader, not a vigilante or a so called "hero" it needs a leader that can serve the people of Starling but not the men and women who think they own it, together we can help rebuild this city, where there is no elites and no oppressed. Where we are all BROTHERS and SISTERS. The kind of leader that will help this city like no one else has done it before, but to do so it needs a good Mayor so vote for me ladies and gentlemen. 'The people in the background had applauded him, I picked up the remote control and turned off the TV out of frustration. I made a quick call to my assistant 'Felicity Smoak' to remind me to go down the City Hall tomorrow morning, seeing I had to head back now to the Headquarters of the Justice League, now where we usually have all our meetings and more but to the public eye it would just be the Hall Of Justice where statues of me and the League are located*

Hall Of Justice.

11:00 PM

*I entered the Hall of Justice main room to where everyone else was, Batman on the other hand did not focus to well on the others then he did with Robin right now and it seemed to me as though he was whispering to him, I walked over to the two of them so I would speak with Batman*

Me: Hey, whats going on ?

Batman: *He was holding a plain black suitcase* Here this your suit *he handed me the suitcase*

Me: Uhh ? Thanks... *I took the suitcase which he handed me* why did you get it ?

Batman: Thought you might need it... To wear it.

Me: Right yeah thanks. What were you guys talking about *I intended that question to both Robin and Batman*

Batman: Well Robin thinks it might be a good idea if him and your partner Red Arrow worked together, especially since they're both young

Me: That seems like a good idea, i'll speak to him about it

Batman: Alright. *He turned to Robin telling him to leave me and him to speak alone* We need to speak about something

Me: Yes ?

Batman: It's about Sebastian Blood, you should know that he possess great power but doesn't use it in the way that Star City thinks. He's been creating a Serum... The Miracle, Mirakuru.

Me: It was him ?

Batman: Yes, he has enough to mass breeze the serum

Me: Okay then me and Red Arrow will sort it out tonight.

Batman: Maybe you shouldn't take him, this is more of bigger mission to take a kid.

Me: Yeah maybe you're right

Batman: I'll come along with you *I agreed with a nod as I saw Red Arrow coming into the room, Batman left me to speak with Red Arrow alone for a few minutes*

Red Arrow: Hey... So did you see me on news ? How good was I ?

Me: *I chuckled lightly and looked at him* you done good

Red Arrow: Good ? I was much better then you ever will be

Me: Hey remember the guy who scared you every night you went out and he wore a green hood... That was me, really think you're better ? *I again chuckled but I saw him getting a bit serious*

Red Arrow: Yeah yeah that was before I was a hero

Me: Honestly i'm proud of where you have gotten. However I need to inform you of something

Red Arrow: Yes ? Whats wrong ?

Me: Batman, me and Robin all think it would be a good idea if you teamed up with him... As a partner

Red Arrow: NO NO NO... Come on Oliver, we both know I only like working with you or just alone, I don't do all this partner stuff.

Me: ROY *I impatiently yelled out his name* Roy *I sighed* look I know you don't like it but this is the Justice League, we are all partners, team members and now you're one of us so you're going to have to do this

Red Arrow: Alright fine *he walked away to the gym room*

To Be Continued...

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the second book :) and please share if you like it :)

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