Theatre Of Death

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Queen Consolidated

12:00 AM

The lights were shining bright in Starling City but the truth behind these lights is darkness, the pouring rain outside got heavier however with any weather thats being held on Star City will always be crowded. It was 12:00 AM in the morning however it felt like it was 12:00 PM.

I went down the elevator of Queen Consolidated and just the doors of the elevator opened a force of wind rushed towards my face as it was a punch across my face, my eyes widened and glared deeply though whoever it was that punched me made a greatly big mistake seeing the minute they once again tried but this time I grabbed his arm and pressed the button for the elevator to close, as it closed on his arm his bones crushed from the inside and the impact of the pain caused him to scream loudly in pain, another guy who held onto one of my WORKERS AS HOSTAGE... FELICITY SMOAK, he tried running away with her but before he could even reach the exit of Queen Consolidated I ran quick enough and slid down onto the ground as I swung my legs hard enough around his legs causing him to fall over on his face and which I heard his noise breaking, before Felicity had fell on the ground I moved quickly to her direction as I too were on the ground and instead of her falling on the ground she fell on my body.

Her heart was beating as fast as possible while her skin begun to feel a heat, her blue eyes were bright but scared. Her hands begun to lightly shake but I put my hands on top of hers to calm her down in anyway possible but I think that just made her more nervous, her body was on top of mine though it seemed she was light at the moment like nothing was really there. Finally I stood her up first and then I got up, nonetheless she hadn't stopped staring at me and I the same honestly. To myself I though if this was alright but seemed like something was telling me its not, I again lowered down once again as this time I picked up the glasses that fell from her when she fell as I just lightly smiled and went over to get my suitcase...

Monarch Theatre

12:35 AM

*Before leaving Queen Consolidated, Felicity had already left and as did every other employee. I went into the restroom as I opened my suitcase and changed into my suit, the cameras of level one were shut off by me so that there would not be any kinds of evidence though before leaving I made a quick call to Roy as to where I should meet him as he sent me the location to the Monarch Theatre where apparently to Roy's eyes Batman was passed out on the ground in the middle of the stage, I quickly made my way to the Monarch Theatre at the Park Row district of Gotham City, the place where Bruce's parents were last seen alive on June 26. I finally met up with Roy who was at the very top of the Theatre, I looked down from the glass shaft, I stuck a grapple arrow onto the ground as I begun to go down quickly but quietly while Roy followed though just as we landed down we'd seen five of Joker's men wearing a clowns mask and started to surround me and Roy, they looked at us as me and Roy aimed Arrows onto our Bows though they also had blade knives which all carried one of there own, one of the men first ran at me however just as they done so I got my arrow out of my bow quickly and stabbed the arrow into his throat as the blood and guts begun to splurt down from his throat onto the ground as he fell on the ground the four others ran at us as I and Roy jumped up in the air and swiftly kicked two by each across their faces, the four of them fell on the ground as we were steady now whilst we aimed two arrows each on our bows as the four of them got up we released the arrows which spread out to each of the enemy they all groaned from the Arrows entering there heart area but before they could fall onto the ground I and Roy picked a guy each as we ran towards them, jumped in the air and put one leg in front just as the force of our legs pushed in the arrow in from the other side of there causing the heart to stay on the arrow once it left their bodies, luckily the other two were already dead but the blood was splurted on the ground harshly.

*We walked towards Bruce whose body was unconsciously lying on the middle of the stage, his back was turned away so we weren't able to see his face at first until Roy and I turned his body around to see if he was alright yet when he faced us his eye's were closed and the Batman mask was off... His face was painted the same as the Joker, I grabbed Bruce's body and held him up on my shoulder as I right away called the Justice League for back up IMMEDIATELY.

Green Lantern and Flash rushed into the theatre as they saw Bruce's body was unconscious there eyes widened from what they'd seen however we could not waste no time as Lantern came over and carried his body although when he begun to fly away a loud echoing bullet noise was heard as it was aimed at Lanterns leg, the pain of the bullet caused him to fall onto the ground while also dropping Bruce with him and the second Me, Flash and Roy heard the bullet we quickly got ready to fight as Roy and I aimed our arrows on our bows. The person who must've shot Lantern wasn't shown, nonetheless when Flash went over to help Lantern get up he was shot twice on his chest, this time me and Roy took cover as this time whoever it was kept firing the gun which seemed like it was a machine gun yet the bullets raced around the whole place he still was not able to catch onto me and Roy until he finally showed himself by jumping down from the higher level of the theatre. I was not happy but I knew it must've been him, Slade Wilson*

*He walked off the stage and walked closer to me and Roy as we too showed ourselves while aiming our arrows at him, he glared at Roy and just as he turned to me he chuckled evilly*

Slade: Well aren't you gonna introduce me to the kid

*I was cautiously aiming my arrow at him with my bow as this time he did not wear his suit as more just black pants and light armour*


Slade: OH him... You're next !

 *Roy without my call had taken a shot at Slade who was quick enough to catch the arrow with his left hand, I had no other choice but to take actions now as I ran at him and grabbed him tightly while squeezing my arms around him to increase any kind of pain while I ran holding him he tried punching me on the back but I on the other hand ignored it and just at the last second before I could drop him I threw him on the wall with a rush which powered my throw, he fell on the ground as the wall broke apart landing on him, Green Lantern himself took the bullet out of his leg until I ordered Roy to help him which Roy ran to him and tried to be of any help just as Lantern told him to try taking out the bullets out of Flash seeing he was already in too much pain, I gasped but after a few seconds I caught my breath properly yet just when I thought this was over Slade stood himself up strongly off the wall bricks as he got his sword out but this sword was once the same sword that saved me on that island, he saved me on the island while I was held hostag and by saving me he'd killed the men with this exact sword. I glared deeply into him and my jaw clenched together from the anger strained inside me but as soon as he begun to run against me I grabbed my bow and used that as a protective shield from the sword he tried swinging against me, my bows successfully protected however I fell pinned down on the ground while he pushed with all his effort to go through my bow though just as I thought the bow won't crack or so it begun to make a noise of cracking and before he could push any harder I raised my leg as quick as I could and with my leg I kicked him off me, he was on the ground again while I quickly got up and as I was going to aim an arrow with my bow I wasn't able any longer as the bow finally took its limits and broke in half however I couldn't let that stop me from fighting him as he once again ran towards me and highered his sword up I quickly got another arrow out and just as he reached to me while lowering his sword quickly I lowered down and stuck the arrow through his heart, I pushed in the arrow further into his heart until I finally felt his heart getting stranded into the arrow. He groaned weakly while he struggled to breathe, he kept in panting quick small breaths*

Me: One thing you don't know about me Slade... I don't need my bow to be a HERO *he lastly reached the final breath he will have ever taken*

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