Chapter 9: Minami Kenjirou

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Victors POV

(Y/n) had left for Canada to compete in the Canada Cup; she got 2nd, losing to Mila Babicheva by a few points, that's fine, but she should've won. Well, she's still starting slow until she reaches her peak for the Finals. I had come home early while she stayed there a bit to train.

Scrolling through my Insta feed, I see she's found the Russian Yuri, befriended Mila, and Italian skater Sala Crispino. We'll be meeting her later at the Championships if she makes it there on time.

Yuuri is the oldest one competing today; he's waaaaay older than his competition...

Yuuri's POV

Still, no sign of (y/n). Wasn't she supposed to be home earlier with Victor?


"Hey Yuuri, just letting you know that I'm staying a bit longer to train with Yurio for a while!" A familiar Russian voice was heard in the background.

"I said, don't call me by that- ACK!"

Suddenly, a 'THUD' came from the background as a girl's laugh went through the phone, "Ah, (y/n) are you still there??" I'm starting to question if her staying there is okay...

"Wow, Yurio, A skater and a wrestler, you sure know how to pick em! Sala, come look at this!~"

"Mila, shouldn't you stop them?!"

After a bit of fighting, (y/n)'s voice was heard again, "Shut up, Yurio! I won, oh hello, still there, Yuuri? Well, anyway," she continued, "I should be home before you skate. I promise I'll be there to watch!.... Ah gotta go, Lilia, is going to yell at me, Bye-bye!~"

Before I could answer back, she hung up, leaving me alone in my silent room...


"That's right. She's with the other Yuri..." My thoughts continued as I looked down at the number card in my hand until a small boy's voice corrupted them.

"Ahhhhh!~ I can't believe I get to watch you draw your number for the second year in a row!"

Glancing to the side, a boy that appears to be 12 looks a little taller than (y/n), and she's 5'. He has blonde hair, and there's a red section at the top near the middle of his head. What's a kid like him doing competing in a men's competition... "Ah, Do I know you?"

"You seriously don't remember me?! I think my heart just broke a bit right now..." the kid sank back into his chair...

~after warm ups~

"She still hasn't shown up..." I sigh, skating over to Victor for some water. I look at the man.

"Ah, what's wrong??" His face is giving off a mad aura. He looks angry

"Yuuuuri, I want you to turn around!"


"Don't ask. Just do it."

"Huh? L-like this?-!" As I turn the opposite way of him, he, all of a sudden, hugs me from behind. "Seduce me with all you have. If you can do that, you'll have the whole audience on their knees..."

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