Chapter 15: Pork Buns

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'This girl, I've seen her face before... but where? ' I shake my head, she's stunning, and she has a rather lovely 'figure.' I flash her my signature smile, "Who might you be, lovely lady?"

Her face begins to turn into a sour one. The one you'd make biting into a lemon. 'Why is her face all scrunched up like that?'

"You really don't recognize me, JJ? I wouldn't expect much from you anyway.." She crosses her slender arms across her flat chest.

"Idiot..." another little girl with cat ears appears between us, pushing me away. "I forgot there was someone more annoying than those idiots. Look, JJ, you better leave (y/n) alone..."

Yuri glared, walking away, placing his arm around that girl's shoulders.  Her beautiful (e/c) eyes glanced back at me, full of pain and fury.

My eyes widen. 'The (y/n)? The whale on ice skates?! I used to pick on her for being overweight. Shouldn't she be bigger, not smaller?!?'

"(Y-Y/n)..." watching them leave, someone drags me away, "Who is she, JJ?~" My fiancé, Isabella, takes my arm, smiling strangely, "That's, (y/n) she's just a childhood friend..."

"Oh, the girl you called a 'flubber skater'?" I bit my lower lip. Geez, I was an asshole to her. "Y-yeah..." her eyes soften as a friendly smile appears, looking at the girl, "Well, she's growing up to a model... She's so pretty now! When we have kids, I want our daughter to look like her..."

"JJ, you're up next! Hurry up!" My mom calls me over to the rink, "Good luck!~"  Isabella kisses my cheek before I walk away, 'th-that's strange.... her kiss doesn't make my heart race anymore...'

Yuri's POV

'That asshole has a lot of nerve to hit on her like that, forgetting that he called her a 'whale.''

"(Y/n) are you okay?" I lift an eyebrow, and a pair of hands push me away, "Yurio, I'm not 10! I can handle things on my own... B-but thank you for that back there..." she looked down at the ground before flashing a smile and leaving me.

Sighing, I shake my head; 'what's wrong with girls like her... mean one moment then soft as pudding the next...'

Y/n's POV

'That piece of trash! Did he forget about me?!' Stuffing my face, a familiar 20-year-old Korean skater decided to stop by, "You sure are a messy eater..." a monotoned voice spoke.

"Ah! Seung!" I quickly wiped my face as I swallowed the pork buns. I hid the other one behind my back; I tried so hard to fight the urge to do my tropical mating newt dance. "Mind if I have a bite?" He pointed, I held it out for him, "Go ahead here!~"

Thinking he would take it out of my hands, he doesn't. Instead, he holds my hands, making awkward eye contact while biting the bun. My cheeks flush again. "I think I blew a fuse..."

"Thanks, (y/n), I think I should help you find Yuuri and Victor. It's dangerous for a girl like you to be walking alone..." he offers me his arm, taking it. I look at him, "Seung-Gil... you have a little...ah.." I point to the side of my mouth as he wipes his, just making it even worse.

Giggling, I go on my tip-toes to help him. I use my thumb to brush off the bun residue as I hear a few girls comment, "Woah, look at that couple. They're so cute! But their age difference..."

"I don't care! I totally ship it!"

Catching my attention Seung grabs my hand and pulls me closer, whispering into my ear, "You're cuter when you blush..." Realizing I am blushing, he looks into my eyes, and before he lets go, he allows a small smile to escape.

'Seung-Gil Lee, you have no idea that what you're doing will slowly kill me...'


Yuuri's POV

"Victor, you need to get back to Japan. I can handle the Free skate tomorrow on my own."

"Why, what's wrong? Why does Vic have to leave?" I turn my back as my heart cracks to see (y/n) with her arm linked to no other than Seung. "This looks important. I'm going to go..." he unlinks his arm before waving goodbye.

Clearing my throat, I face Victor again, "Makkachin got into the pork buns, and one of them got stuck in his throat. You have to go now, Victor!"

I hear (y/n) gasping. Victor's eyes widen, "B-but I can't go back..."

"You know you have to go!"

"I already told you I can't." He facepalms as a little Russian boy's voice gains our attention.

"What's with them?"

Victor's eyes glisten, walking toward his old coach, "That's it, thank god! I'm so glad you're here. You are the coach for me!" He grabs Yakov in a friendly manner.

"What's this? Crawling back already?"

"It will be for one day tomorrow. Will you be Yuuri's coach?"

The Yakov mouth gapes open, "Huh?.."

As did mine, "Huh??..."

And (y/n), "Uh....huh?"

Can't forget Yurio's as his eyes widen, "Huhh?"

Realization in 3..2..1...



•Bonus scene•
Y/n's POV

"Oh, what's going on here? Are we doing the 'Huhhhh' challenge?" Emil pops up with a smile, "I want to play!"

"Us too!" Mickey and Sala rush into the conversation. "No, we're not pla-"

"Hi, My name is Mickey, and I'll never get someone to love me, so I resort to Incest! Huuuuuuhhhhhhh!" Emil begins.

I can't help but hold in my laugh. This is a sad moment... what is this happening?!

"Oh yeah!? My name is Emil, and I secretly make YouTube videos under the name Pewdiepie as a second job! Huhhhhhhhhh!" Mickey argues back.

"G-guys, now isn't the time-"

"My names Yuri, and I pretend that I'm a cool guy that hates everyone, but really I'm just a lonely emotional teen who wants someone to love and have a friend! HUHHHHHHH!" Out of nowhere, JJ joins in.

'What the hell is wrong with these people?!'

"My name is JJ, and I steal Yuzuru Hanyu's costumes cause I'm unoriginal! HUUUUUHHHHHH, YOU ASSHOLE!"

Geez, Yuri, I thought you had more self-control than that...

"Guys, look-"

"My names (y/n), and I -!"

"SALA, DONT YOU DARE!" I roar as a nerve pops out of my head. The group becomes silent, "You guys, this IS NOT THE TIME FOR HUHHHHH JOKES!!"


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