Chapter 29: Christophe Giacometti

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Chris POV

"Can't believe I'm saying this.." she gulps as looks directly at me with a smile, "Chris~"

Shocked I forget to breathe, "Man, are you okay?!" Yuri rubs my back as (y/n) rushed to my side, just looking at her, being this close to her. I can't bare it...

Suddenly she hugs me, allowing me to feel her warm embrace. I melt into her touch and try not to do anything funny. "Mercí, (y/n)~"

She helps me back up as I hear Yuri make a smart response, "We'll be seeing her pregnant by tomorrow..."

"You take me as that kind of pervert?!" I take offense and turn my attention to the boy. "You use mature sex appeal while skating... With that much sex appeal all you have to do is look at her!" Victor laughs.

I snort at their jokes, 'I know I can't do any of that with her...'

She tugs at my sleeve, I look down at the girl realizing how innocent she is compared to me. 'What if I taint her? How could I forgive myself?!'

"Chris? Are you okay?" She tip toes to ruffle my hair and smiles, "Don't worry , I know you won't hurt me! You're too nice for that... I hope." She goes back to being her normal height as I rest my arm on her head.

"I'll promise to you that I won't hurt you~" I wink as she faintly blushes and looks away. 'So cute...' Glancing at the girl he rubbed her temples, "Is everything okay (y/n)?"

She suddenly stopped and looked at me, "Yeah the ringing suddenly went away..." she smiled, an unwanted cough occurs as we look at the group once more, "You're still here?" I sigh.

"OF COURSE WE're STILL HERE WE'RE WAITING FOR YOU TWo!!!" Yuri yells pushing (y/n) away from me and back to the banquet.

"It's not that we're not happy for you; we are it's just, we don't trust you to be alone with her..." Victor shoves me away also.


1 year later


"So you'll continue to skate?!" I smiled at the laptop screen.

"I have to in order to continue seeing you~" he sighed and let out a tired smile, I could tell he wanted to retire. "Retire, go ahead, I'll visit you sometime!"

Chris and I have been together for a year now and still finding out more about each other but I feel like I've known him forever. We can't really see each other at the moment to we FaceTime a lot!

The screen moves and catches my attention, he looks shocked for a bit before smiling, "It's a lot of money (y/n).." I shook my head, "I earn a lot from winning competitions, plus my sponsors will cover it!"

I stare at his face for a while just admiring it, his hair, his smile, his voice, his eyes.... his everything...

"(Y/n)?" He calls out.

"Shhh..." I put a finger to my lips.


"I said Sh!" I repeat as he tenses up and chuckles. "What are you doing?" Chris rests his head on his palm and stares at me smiling as his cat jumps up to say hi.

"You don't listen do you?" I sigh and mimic his gesture, "You should be listening to me, I'm older!" He laughs. I laugh along before yawning, "I'm getting sleepy, but I wanna keep talking to you~" I whine.

"Go to sleep please?" He flutters his eyes as I shake my head, "No!" He pouts while petting the cat.

"Pretty please?"
"Do I have to answer?"

"Please, for me?" He pouts fluttering his eyes and gets closer to the screen.

I give in, "I hate when you do that!" I throw a pillow at the laptop and pout, "Thanks love, talk to you later!~" he winks before blowing a kiss, I blow one back. He catches it and places it on his chest.

"Goodnight~" he whispers.


Log off as I search up plane tickets to him....


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