prologue: when it all started

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"Emilia, sweetheart come on"., Emilia's mother said while waiting patiently for her five-year-old daughter to get out of the bathroom.

"I'm coming, mummy.", Emilia said thru the bathroom door before trying put on her dance dress for her lesson today

When she finally got her dress on, she walked out of the bathroom door and greeted her mother.

"Honey, what was taking You so long," her mother said knowing they are running late to the dance practice

"Well, I have to look pretty for dance, don't I ", Emilia said with a toothless smile while twirling in circles

Emilia's mother laughed at her daughter cuteness.

"Well, let go dancing Practice", her mother said while grabbing her purse and her daughter's hand.

Fifteen minutes later.......

"We here!", Emilia's mother said while getting out the Car.

"Welcome back, Emilia", Dance teacher said while directing other kids to their position

Alright, class starts with taping your feet twice and twirl

Emilia taps her little feet on the ground and twirls around in circles.

Alright, good job everyone the dance instructor said

Now wave your hands in the air
Like you waving to the Queen.

Wave back and forth three times

Emilia waved back and forth but accidentally hit a girl in the face by accident

"Oops, I' m so sorry, Ashley ",
Emilia said quietly

"It fine", Ashley said with a fake smile.

"I can't believe that little girl just hit me in my beautiful face, oh she lucky if there no mark. Ashley thought

Emilia jumped when heard someone thought in her head
And they were mean.

She started hearing other people's thoughts too.

Why she standing there

"What wrong with her "

"I swear if she messes me up on dance routine she gonna get it"

"What a baby"

Everybody thoughts Ran through Emilia's mind and she didn't know why it's terrified her.

She put a hand on her ears and falling on her knee.

So many voices went through her head.

"Emilia, honey are you alright ", the dance instructor said with fake concern

"If little brat doesn't start dancing and I m going kick her out, "she thought.

"Baby, are you okay", her mother said worriedly

Emilia started screaming in pain

"EMILIA "! Her mother yelled

Emilia couldn't take any more

"Get out of my head", she screamed over and over again

"Emilia, are you okay, one the kids said while trying to comfort was a boy who was about three years older than her.

Emilia started screaming again

The whole building started shocked. Stuff started to move in the air.

Emilia mother ran to her daughter and tried to
calm her

When Emilia eventually calmed down the building stopped shaking and everything in the airdropped.

" it okay, sweetie it all over ", her mother said while comforting her.

But it not okay for Emilia, she still hears voices in the head.

"TAKE YOUR MONSTER AND LEAVE"! , The dance instructor yelled.

"MY DAUGHTER IS NOT A MONSTER" !. Emilia mother yelled while picked up Emilia and headed out the door

A few minutes later

They arrive at the house

Emilia ran up to her room and waited for her mother.

"Hey, sweetie how you feeling", her mother said from the doorway

"I still hear people voices in my head"Emilia cried.

"I know baby, but it will get better soon," her mother said

But I m a monster now, Emilia said looking do

"No your not, your special", her mother said trying Cheers her up

"Really, mummy", Emilia Said while smiling

Her mum nodded her head

"Mummy is there anybody like me", Emilia asked wondering if someone can do things as she can.

"Yes, I pretty sure there are people like you". Her mother said

"Is it anyone that we know", Emilia said

"Yes, there was a friend of mine, who can read people mind he was the sweetest man I know", her mother said

"So he like me, Emilia said

"Oh yes", her mother said

"What his name mummy"? Emilia said

"His name is Charles Xavier ", Emilia mother said with a smile.

"Cool, will I ever meet him", Emilia said with excitement in his voice.

"I m afraid not sweetie, Emilia," said

"Why not, is he dead "? , Emilia said confused

"No, he not dead, your father forbid me not to let you meet him", her mother said

"Why, mummy", Emilia said

"Well sweetie, I want you to listen very carefully, Charles is your uncle", her mother

"Wait, what your friend is my uncle

"Yes and he your father brother", her mother said

"But daddy never mentioned him does he not like him. Emilia said

"Your father never wants you near him. Your father Didn't want a mutant near you", her mother said

"A mutant", Emilia thought

"What a mutant, mummy", Emilia said

"That what you are Emilia a mutant, a mutant is someone have Powers. That what makes you special," her mother said explaining

"But daddy doesn't like mutant so he doesn't like me anymore," Emilia said

: Your father won't find out I promise we keep this our little secret", her mother said......

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