Part 10: Types Of Greeting To People At South Korea

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😄Types Of Greeting To People At South Korea😄

😃정중한 인사 A Polite Greeting
🎀Greeted bowing upper body with 45º degrees celsius.
🎀For example: best done during the meeting with the president for the first time whether to apologize or thank.

😃보통의 인사 An ordinary greeting
🎀Greeted bowing upper body with 30º degrees Celsius.
🎀For example: usually used at the time to greet our boss.

😃가벼운 인사 A light greeting
🎀Salute, bowing just a little body.
🎀For examples: when reunited boss or more than two times in places such as hallways or elevators.

⁉인사할 때 주의할 점 Points to note when greeting
🔊Not polite to say hello and waving to superiors, co-workers or older people.
🔊Not polite to hug and put his/her hand on the shoulder of boss, colleague or an older person.
🔊If greet with young children, do not have to bend the head or body.

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