I'm..... I'm Pregnant?

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2 weeks later

Kayla - Santo! come out the bathroom!

Santo- 5 mins baby.

Kayla - Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo Mothafuckin August get yo light skin cherrio head hulk ass out of the damn bathroom or I'll beat the dog shit out of you. literally.

Chres walks out

Chres - crazy lil mufucka

Kayla walks in and slams the door nd starts throwing up

Chres- baby you okay?

Kayla- mhm

Chres- alright baby.

4 weeks later

Chres's POV

Kayla has been acting weird lately. Like Mood Swings and shit. she been lovey dovey one minute then wanna rip a nigga head off the next like gahdamn calm down. she been eating weird shit. like pickles and chocolate. and she been eating shit she don't normally eat. I hope she okay....

End of Chres POV

Kayla - baby. go get me a pregnancy test.

Chres - Already had one for you. You've been acting crazy as fuck.

Kayla - Stfu. You irritate me.

Chres - I didn't do Nothing!

Kayla - Yeah.

Chres gives Kayla the pregnancy test. She goes in the bathroom and takes the pregnancy test .

Kayla - Baby... It's positive . It came back positive

Chres - Stop playing Kay.

Kayla -I'm not babe.

Kayla washes her hands and walks out with the pregnancy test and shows Chres.  Chres looks at Kayla...

Chres - Baby....

He smiles

Chres - You're pregnant.

Kayla - I know baby... I know...

Chres - I want a boy. Lil CJ he gon be spoiled. He gon have everything.

Kayla - Woah... Slow down...  I don't even know if I'm having this baby. We aren't stable for a baby.

Chres - I'll get a job. I'll get 3 jobs if I need to. Anything to support you and the baby. Please babe.

Chres kisses Kayla.

Kayla - Okay babe. I'll think about it.

Chres - Okay.  I love you Kayla.

Kayla - I love you too baby.

Kayla's POV

I don't know if I want to have this baby... I don't.. I'm still young. This wasn't called for.. I mean it's both of our faults. We had sex. We created a baby. And the baby didn't ask to be here. So I don't know what I should do.... ugh . Then I don't know if chres is going to leave me or not. I mean shit. it's a lot I have to think about with this pregnancy... idk what I should do

End of Kayla's POV

Chres - Baby.. we need to talk..

Kayla - Okay we Can...

Kayla and Chres sits down and Kayla faces toward Chres.

Kayla - Yes?

Chres - Don't feel like I'm pressuring you into having the baby... if you don't it's fine. I'm just excited.  This would be my first child. I'll give my world to this child and you babe. You know damn well I love you. Even though your dad doesn't like me because of what happened. I don't give a fuck. Cause I love you. That much. You make me feel some type of way.

Kayla - Baby I'm still deciding. I'm just scared. That's my problem. I'll let you know for sure. Okay babe. I love you too. a lot. and aww.

Kayla kisses Chres. Then her dad walks in.

Kevin -Little bastard.

Kayla - Dad stop. seriously. I'm in love with him. stop.

Kayla looks towards her dad not paying attention to Chres and gets on one knee and pulls out a ring.

Kevin - Kayla stop defending him.

Kayla - Can you not argue with  me? like seriously.

Kevin - ugh.

Kayla turns toward Chres and looks at him Nd get grabs her left hand

Chres - Kayla...  I know it might be too early. But I love you with all of my heart. and our unborn child. You make me smile, laugh cry and more.. I really do love you. and For the sake of unborn child. weather you have it or not. Will you marry me.?

Kayla's mouth drops open and tears up

Kayla - B-baby... I don't know what to say. I love you so much. and yes I will marry you.  Yess I will baby.

Kayla grabs his face and tongue kisses him and he kisses back

Kevin - No. I refuse to let you marry him. I refuse!.

Kayla pulls away and looks at Kevin.

Kayla - This is my life. I'll do what I want

Chres puts the ring on her finger and she smiles.

Chres - I love you my queen. ❤

Kevin - I swear you will end you like up like your mother.. I never told you the real story...

Kevin walks out.

Kayla - what the fuck. I just don't know....

Chres - calm down baby.

Kayla - Okay babe...


Will You keep the baby?

Will your dad Tell you what happened?

Who knows?

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