Home Alone...... I think..

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You And Chres Both Went Into Your Rooms When You Got Home And Took Showers. You Got Out Put On Basketball Shorts And A Tank Top And Went To Lay Down

Chres - *walks in with the towel around his waist with water dripping down his abs*

Kayla - You Can Knock Still... *looking at his abs as he walks closer *

Chres - *Lifts Your Head Up To look at him * Eyes up here Shawty. you can't handle What's under my towel don't even try...

Kayla - Mhm. why you in here?

Chres - came to check on u..

Kayka - Oh. Thanks. go put on some clothes so we can watch a movie..

Chres - in here?

Kayla - Aduh!!

Chres - you crazy *gets up walks out and walks in his room and changes and walks in your room and lays on your bed*

Kayla - .choose a movie

Chres - *chooses Ted *

Kayla - wow

*30 mins into the movie*

Kayla - *laying on chres chest * this movie is funny. I like it

Chres - I know you do.

Kayla - shut up *looks at chres *

Chres - You Shut Up.

Kayla - Make me.

Chres - *kisses u and holds your face*

Kayla - *kisses back rubbing his chest*.

Chres - *gets on top of u.and between your legs and kisses your neck*

Kayla - Mmm chres What are u doing?...

Chres - *bites down on your neck softly* mmm Nothing

Kayla - Mmm stop.

Chres -.No. kiss me. we're here alone. nobody would know...

Kayla - *leans In for a kiss *

Chres- *kisses you still between your legs *

Kayla - *kissing back*

Chres - *gets hard * mmm *takes off your pants and his*

Kayla - Chres Are You Sure?

Chres - Yes.. I got you. don't worry. *puts on a condom and slides himself into u*

Kayla - *moans * mmm fuck *closes your eyes *

Chres - damn your tight

Kayla - virgin..

Chres - *picks up pace * well I'm changing that.

Kayla - Oh Fuck *holds on to chres * uhhhh Yes! *moaning*

Chres - Shhh *thrusting *

Kayla - fuck *moans a little louder *

Your Dad - *walks in * Kayla *looks at you and santo *

Chres & You - fuck!

What happens next?

What Does Your Dad do to u and santo ?

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