Luke 6

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Luke finally showing you to the world by taking you shopping , holding your hand and kissing you in public , he has the courage to then drive you to the beach where you stay till the sun sets in the horizon that lands and fits perfectly above the see.

You: Isnt the sun set beautiful ?

you ask breaking the silence as Luke begins to intertwine his fingers with yours and drops his shoes on the floor and sitting down pulling you down with him and  both of you look at the sky.

Luke: It really is beautiful , like you

his blue eyes glisten as the last sun ray beams in to his eyes making you go crazy inside , you stare into his eyes making you blush.

Luke: Don't blush , i'll cure that for now

He leans in and kisses you , after a while he licks the bottom of your lip wanting to make an entrance and you accept , this could be the best day of your life

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