Luke 7

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A requested imagine sent to me via Message : ( if you like to have me write an imagine for you , using your name , feel free to ask me over messages or either of my twitter's @ILukeHCrew or @Minorgb where you can also get some updates)


"Alyssa , sweetie - have you seen where i put my car keys?" Luke asks , wrapping his muscular arms around Alyssa's waist , whispering in her ear whilst she washes the dishes after eating breakfast.

"Have you tried checking your pockets?" Alyssa says , laughing quietly - luke's grip releases as the warmth is gone.

"Should've checked there first , your so smart smart babe - glad i found you 3 years ago from today" Luke says wrapping his arms around Alyssa's waist again , his tender lips hovering over her neck , rubbing her stomach. "One day" he says quietly

"One day" she says back , putting her hand above Luke's large hand , starring at the sun rise with its beautiful colours through the kitchen window. "That's really beautiful for early inthe morning"

"Like you" he says

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