Mike 6

674 25 1

Your just a normal school girl , with the same amount of friends as everyone else till you walked into a popular group who are completely rude and they don't like you because you have something special in you and they don't

"Hey (Y/N)! Are you hanging out with those losers again , come on a pretty girl like you would find better friends than Dumpster land people .... Argh! I just called you pretty your a troll!" the head popular girl said walking up to you pushing you back as your friends helping you stand up straight ,, as you walk towards her again

"At least I don't dress like a rag doll that's been brutally treated , have you seen yourself you look like you've been burnt alive by your owner that shrek" you said proudly defending you and your friends

"Well at least I don't have anima-"

"Excuse me ? , is that how you talk to beautiful girls?" A manly Australian voice said walking up behind you and your friends as he tells you to stand back , "How many times have we told you not to mess with people with perfections you don't have?"

"Mor-more than onc-once" she trembles

"Exactly , so why are you doing it to her? What are you a troll? you cant treat people like their nothing because that's been happening for too long and their bound to fight back .. so I recommend you to shut the fuck up and get out my face" he says pushing her making her fall breaking one of her expensive heels

"You broke my he-"

"10 !" He begins to count down as she runs away with her group of people , as he turns around - "Hey you alright?"

"Yeah , im fine ... I - I gotta go" you say walking through him and the lads he was with

"hey (Y/N)" he shouts as you turn around "My names Michael and yeah theres something ive been wanting to tell you " he says walking over to you leaning towards your ear and whispering "I have a crush on you"

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