I Think I Love You

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Once Clover had calm down, she stayed a little more quiet. Her hand which she eventually let Newt clean and bandage was wrapped up in ivory gauze. Clover was only trying to be polite at the time, not wanting him to worry about her. She needed some more time to herself, so she talked to Stella, knowing she'd understand. "I just don't know what to do. Newt apologized and of course I forgive, it's just... I... feel different now. Not upset. More like giddy."

The little bowtruckle crawled up her arm and nestled in her shoulder, feeling at home there. Clover giggled softly and smiled at her. "Love you."

Clover stood up from her spot in her bed and went to get ready for work. "You coming too, Stella?" She smiled at the little creature on her shoulder.

She made a quick biscuit with butter and grabbed her coat.

"Clover? Are you going somewhere?" Newt called, having heard her walking around.

"I'm going to work, I'll be back later, Newt." She replied.

"Alone?" He frowned in deep thought.

"Well, Stella's coming with me but it is a job." She chuckled.

Pickett eyed the female bowtruckle from Newt's coat pocket. Newt smiled and nodded. "I'll see you tonight then?"

Clover smiled and nodded, rushing onto out the door into the strong icy wind. She wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck and made sure Stella was warm too.

Clover pulled her wand out from her coat pocket and apparated to the portkey by Ilvermony. She grabbed a small saucepan and was whisked instantly to the gates of the wizarding academy.

~ ~ ~

Newt fiddled around in his case, feeding the beasts and fixing habitats. After a few hours he lost track of time and heard the doorbell ring.

Clover walked in, taking off her coat and setting it on the rack. "Hello again." She smiled and greeted her close friend.

"Anything fantastic happen today?" She asked, moving to the kitchen to fix dinner.

"Nothing really." He answered and eyes her dress confusedly. "What happened to your dress, Clover?"

Clover glanced down at her mud soaked dress. "Oh! I was chasing a Niffler down by the lake. Silly little thing." She replied and set her soup on the stove.

A moment later, sitting down with her sketchbook and quill in hand. She scribbled down a few notes, trapped in her thoughts. Newt joined her, sitting across the table. "Clover?"

"Hm?" She looked up from her writing.

"May I... er... tell you something?" He asked fiddling with his thumbs nervously.

"Yes, of course!" She smiled and went back to writing.

"I... I um..." he paused for what felt like years to him. "I think I love you."

Lost in a Dream ||Newt Scamander||Where stories live. Discover now