Chapter 3 ~ No Backing Down

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Dedicated to CookieMonster1457 for her encouraging comment and votes on the previous chapter :) THANKS CUTIE

Chapter 3

I’ll admit, it wasn’t an ideal way to start my usually cheery weekends, nevertheless it was necessary. Charlie shifted nervously beside me on my $5000 lounge and I couldn’t help but glare. “Will you stop freaking out!” I hissed angrily. He froze, his eyes wide.

“What do you expect me to do? We’re going to jail!” he whispered back terrified. I found myself sighing heavily and recalling our disastrous meeting earlier that morning with Jerry.

“Eden, what a pleasant surprise” the Marelli family lawyer, Jerry announced kissing me on the cheek.

“Likewise” I replied taking a seat in his lavish office and smoothing out my skirt. “I’ve come to you with a personal matter Jerry and it can under no circumstances leave this room” I continued getting straight to business. Jerry’s smile wavered and he took in my two companions.

“Not even your parents?” he asked loosening his tie

“Only over my dead body” I replied confidently “You see I’m marrying Charlie here for convenience and will be paying him one million a month. What, as my lawyer, do you advise?” I asked curiously

Jerry seemed frozen in a mix of horror and curiosity. He opened his mouth, closed it and opened it once again. “Is this a joke?” he asked finally, his eyes begging me to say yes. I shook my head once. Guilt flooded my system as his face fell. “Eden, you are asking me to lie to your parents, my friends. You’ve also given me no choice in the matter. You’ve incriminated everyone in this room.” He chocked out and for a second I doubted myself. Shaking off his words I focused on my end goal. I needed to do this

“I’m sorry Jerry. However what’s done is done. I really need your help” I congratulated myself for remaining calm. Jerry looked me in the eye

“Please Eden back out while you can” he tried vainly once more.

“Bambino please, this is a silly game no more. We could all get in trouble” Nanny tried reasoning with me.  

I didn’t dignify either of them with a response. Jerry, seeing my determination, sighed in defeat and nodded “In that case, I will handle the legal side and you two” he leveled us with a glare, “will do everything in your power to convince people your married, like living together or we’ll all be in jail.”

“Jail?!” Charlie exclaimed

“Live together?!” I screeched much to my embarrassment

“Yes children” Jerry condescended “Faking a marriage is a criminal offense and to avoid suspicion, living together will be the easiest thing you’ll be doing. Y’all wanted to play adults; I’m going to make sure you do it properly” he sighed “I’ll open an off shore account for you Charlie so that the one million Eden pays can’t be traced. I’m getting too old for this” he mumbled shuffling papers on his desk

I stood up “Thanks Jerry” I beamed. He gave me a tired smile in return.

“I think I’m going to be sick” Charlie groans dragging me back to reality

“Like hell you will” I snag his bicep in my tight grip and force him to look at me “We have a deal” I hiss digging my fingers in deeper “As long as we both stick to our ends of the deal no one will ever have to know. You’re going to keep it together or so help me, I will make your life miserable. Understand?” he looks at me with undisguised anger and nods “Good” I release his arm and smooth down my hair.

“What do I need to know?” Charlie asks finally refusing to look at me

“What are you talking about?” I snap, trying to hide the nerves racking my body

“If we’re going to pull this off I’ll need to know things about you aren’t I?” He replies as if I’m a five year old.

“Fine ask your stupid questions” I huff loudly. His face scrunches in thought and I fight the smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

“Best friend?” he asks finally

“Pass” I answer instantly. A muscle in his jaw twitches angrily

“Middle name?”


“Favorite song?”

“Pass” these questions were all unnecessarily personal

“Hobbies? Crush? Allergies? Fears? Dreams? Star sign?” he fires off

“Pass” I reply with a bored tone

“Well what the hell can you tell me?” he yells throwing his hands up in disgust

I think for a moment, “Nothing” His mouth drops open and he looks at me as if I belong in a straight jacket. I sigh a long-suffering sigh, “It’s not that difficult you oaf. Just sound like a lovesick fool, my parents love that crap.” I shrug indifferently

With terribly perfect timing the front door opens and I swallow nervously. “Eden dear your Father and I are home” my mother trills happily. Charlie looks at me, eyebrow raised questioningly

“In the lounge room mother” I call back dryly

“Oh my little angel, I found the prettiest sculpture that would look amazing in the foyer, though no such luck with the painting I dreamed of” she came through the doorway pouting with my dad in tow. “Oh you have company” she beamed

“Mother, daddy, this is Charlie Blake” I introduced. I took in my parents and wondered briefly if I was really cruel enough to lie to them instead of just trying to compromise.

“It’s a pleasure to meet such an adorable friend of Eden’s” my mother chirped kissing Charlie on the cheek

“Hello” my dad nodded politely taking a seat opposite us. My throat was dry and my hands were sweaty

“My fiance” I continued quietly, sealing our fate.

 “What did you just say?!” Daddy growled staring at me

“We’re engaged” I replied boldly

“You’re not even out of school yet! You’re just a child for heaven’s sake. Like hell you’re engaged” he exploded.

“Honey” my mother soothed, while daddy took deep breathes “its Eden’s choice” I scowled, such a freaking free-spirit. My dad studied me for a second before his eyes lit with hope

“Where’s your ring?” he asked smirking and I froze. Fudge! At this rate we’ll be exposed before we even start.

“Um…” I frantically searched for an excuse when Charlie interrupted

“Sir with all do respect, I don’t have enough money at the moment to buy her the ring I want to” his acting was flawless. I was dumbfounded

“Oh so you’re marrying her for her money” my dad accused

“What-” Charlie spluttered and I swooped in to save the day

“Do you really think of me as a silly little rich girl who can’t find a guy that would want her for more than her father’s money?” I questioned with unrighteous anger. My dad realizing his mistake quickly tried to back peddle but I talked right through him “We’re going. Feel free to give us a call when you have decided to help us with the wedding instead of hinder”

I walked to the door with my head held high. “Eden wait!” my dad called out desperately “We’re sorry alright. It was a shock. Your mother and I are going to support you but we stand by what we say. You two are too young and won’t last a month” he said looking me in the eye

Good thing I only want to pay him for a month then isn’t it? I thought to myself

“Thanks daddy I appreciate it” I said instead and kissed him on the cheek.

***ALERT! Struggling Author! Any votes or comments would be greatly appreciated

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