The One That Got Away

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AN: This idea has been in my drafts for so long but I didn't have the proper inspiration for it until now! Thank you to knyckque
for the teacher idea!!

The dirt roads in Arlington were always amazing to drive down on a summer afternoon. Top down, the wind messing up their hair and creating a cool contrast to the harsh sun beating down on their skin. Scott and Mitch had just skipped English and they were home free, speeding down the main road in the blond's jeep on the way to their favourite spot.

The smell of salt and the sound of sand crunching underneath tyres was a comfort to the two teenagers, as Scott parked on the small secluded beach and pulled Mitch by the hips to sit in his lap.

"Oh my god, I love this song!" Mitch leant back and turned the radio up, 'How To Disappear Completely' by Radiohead blasting through the speakers. He sang a few of the lines, leaning in so that his lips brushed against Scott's ear with each word. Of course, the boy didn't sit back without grazing his teeth over his earlobe and sucking on it gently.

He moved so that his back was resting on the steering wheel, but he barely made it there before Scott was pulling him back, crashing their lips together hungrily. He responded hungrily and let his lips part for the taller boy's tongue, grinning as he felt two large hands reach past the wheel to grip at his ass.


Scott had just finished with a student, dismissing her to go back to class before he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" The twenty-seven-year-old guidance counsellor called from his desk, looking up to see his best friend at the door.

"Hey Scott, d'you have a minute? We need to talk."

"I always have a minute for you Kirst, what's up?" He walked around to the other side of the desk, leaning on it as he looked at the blond English teacher who he'd known for years.

"First of all, come sit in this chair instead of giving me that guidance councellor stance that you do. I need to chat with you as a friend, I don't need you to give me advice." She huffed and waited for him to move and sit in the second armchair that sat in front of his desk before continuing. "So... I heard a rumor this morning that we have a new Arts teacher." Scott could tell that she was speaking carefully, he wasn't sure why but it set him on edge slightly.

"They finally found someone to replace Nicole? Thank god..." He smiled, trying to act the same way that he would if she had said it casually in conversation. "...But there's something else. What's up?"

"According to the music staff his name is Mr Grassi."

The blond's blood ran cold and he somehow forgot how to breathe, coughing and spluttering after a few seconds of stillness. "There are lots of Grassi's, it's probably a coincidence." He wasn't sure who he was trying to convince and he was pretty sure that Kirstie didn't know either.

"Yeah, probably. I just wanted to let you know... Just in case." Her eyes flickered to his wrist, covered by his sweater. They both knew the significance of the tattoo that rested in his flesh, though he didn't want to think about the rumour he'd heard.


"Are you sure about this? It's kind of permanent." He gripped Mitch's hand as they sat in the parking lot, staring at the tattoo parlour through the front window of the Jeep.

"That's kind of the point." It was Mitch's eighteenth birthday and they agreed to get matching tattoos to celebrate. They apprehensively stepped out of the vehicle and made their way to the small but trustworthy shop, the brunette only stopping once to pull Scott down into a kiss.

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