Sk8er Boi

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"Ew, he totally has his eye on you." 

"So? Most guys do."

"This is different, Scott! He's one of those grotty skaters. People like us don't even look at people like them." Kirstie brought her bag around in front of her as she crossed her legs and started to pull her hair from the tight bun that it had been trapped in for the past hour. Each pin she tugged out allowed another blond strand to fall in a way that was almost too graceful to be natural.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." The blond boy leaned over and finished taking off his ballet shoes, standing up and yanking his grey pullover up and over his head. He still felt pretty exposed in his tights but luckily it was big enough to hide... Everything. 

"I know it sounds mean but she's right. We're just trying to look out for you. You go on one date with him and suddenly you'll be drinking and smoking and who knows what else. You have to look after your body." Esther backed up her friend, moving to stand beside Scott as she swung her bag up over her shoulder. 

"And your reputation." Kirstie added, letting down the last strand of her hair with a serious nod. 

"Hey calm down. I never said I liked him back!" 

"Do you?" They practically asked in unison, Kirstie standing up at eye-level with the other two. 

"It doesn't matter even if I did." Scott shrugged as they all started heading out of the ballet hall, both girls wriggling their eyebrows at him "– not that I do! I just meant that there's no way I'd date him whether or not he was pretty. Skater punk idiots are way out of bounds." 

"Good. Remember that next time Matt bats his eyelashes at you." 

"His name's Mitch." 

"Whatever!" They made their way down the hallway and split off at the end, Kirstie and Esther going off to shop or whatever they did, and Scott walking home. Of course, his house was just past the skate park and most days he'd stay and watch for a little while but today was different. 

"Hoying!" He turned around quickly as he was walking past, stopping just long enough to watch the shorter brunette walk up to him, taking his helmet off and running a hand over his buzzed hair. 

"Hey, what's up?" Scott kept walking once he caught up, forcing Mitch to walk alongside him. He knew it was a dick move but it was also the only way it wouldn't look like he was purposely talking to him. 

"I... I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" 

"I'm busy." The blond suddenly wondered if he was allergic to this boy. They'd never been this close before and his presence was making his heart rate increase, and his throat start to close up. 

"I didn't mention a date... Or time." He saw the brunette frown slightly as he chewed on his lower lip. "If you're not interested, just tell me." 

"You're a wonderful guy and you're really cute. It's just..." Scott stopped walking and turned to look down at him, trying not to get caught up in his big brown eyes. "... I'm so busy with my dancing. Sure I'd be free to go on a few dates but a relationship? No way. I know that's what you want and it'd be nice but I just don't think it's a good decision for either of us." 

"Oh. Yeah, I get it. Gotta be professional." Mitch nodded slowly, looking at the ground. 

"I hope that you find someone who can be good to you." Scott sighed and quickly looked around, knowing that they were far enough out of everyone's sight before he stepped in and pulled the brown-eyed boy into a gentle kiss. 

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