Chapter IV

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Enjoy this chapter it may be awhile before I get anything in here for another long while


"Damn it, we have even more problems to deal with." Bear growled to Snake over the Codex. He was currently outside, hiding a few feet away from the parking lot, where he could easily see the large crowd that had gathered not too long ago.

"That red motorcycle must belong to Ghost." Snake stated in a calm tone from the other end, letting out a slight cough afterwards. "And if that's so, then he must be in the center of that confrontation."

Bear couldn't help but to release a frustrated sigh, "First it was that battle royal in the classroom, then Christian suddenly appears, and now, we have to worry about the damn authorities being dispatched our way. And they could be arriving within ten to fifteen minutes." He said in an agitated tone, obviously caused by the situation that was happening before him. Plus the clothing he was currently wearing wasn't helping either. He made a mental note to himself that his skin and polyester didn't agree with one another.

"Hey, I stayed in character, thank you very much." Christian yelled as he looked towards Bear, who was right beside him. "It's not hard to pretend to be some kid named Ethan." He adds.

"Just shut up Christian!" Bear snapped back. "We have enough problems at the moment, and I don't need to hear your smartass mouth right now!"

"Well sorry for trying to lighten the mood, "Mr. Woods"." Christian said mockingly as a sly smirk appeared on his half-covered face. "Maybe you should send me to the Principal's office."

"Christian, if you don't shut the-" Bear was cut off by the sound of a gunshot, which causes both men to throw their conversation out the window and snap into soldier mode in an instant.

Bear quickly ducked down low to the ground, pulling out a MP412 revolver, pointing the barrel straight towards the general area he heard the gunshot come from. The sound of students screaming in fear and panic continued throughout the parking lot. Bear glanced out the corner of his eye to find Christian grasping a small survival knife in one hand with a USP .45 in the other while he hid behind a dark blue car that was nearby.

"Bear! What's going on? What's happening!?" Snake asked into the still active Codex in a demanding tone.

"Someone just pulled out a gun and fired off a shot." Bear growled into the Codex as he continued to stare forward.

"We need that Erin girl, Bear." Snake reminded the undercover soldier. "If the information we gathered is indeed true, and she does know something, then it's obvious that we need her alive!"

"I'm well aware of that, Sir." Bear replied back as he began to survey the area. "I'll be sure to get to her before the authorities can." He submitted to his superior before ending the connection.

Before the situation could escalate any farther, a police cruiser suddenly pulls up and parks not too far from the crowd. Within seconds, two officers step out of the vehicle, drawing their weapons, as they continue to scream out "Freeze" or "Get on the ground" towards the individuals in the crowd. As Bear continued to look around, he spots a trio of girls hiding behind a car, watching the scene with keen eyes. He could easily tell that the girls came from different nationalities. Ignoring the three girls, he set his sights onto the one he was ordered to retrieve, Erin Grant.

"Christian, you can put that gun away." Bear ordered the younger male, who only grunted as an acknowledgement. "Alright, I'm going in."

Placing his gun back into his holster, Bear slowly began making his way towards Erin. Many of the students were attempting to get out of the area before either one of the officers could get them. They probably though he was an undercover officer helping out. Before long, he was right behind Erin, whose attention was on the officers that were subduing both Elijah and some other kid, placing them both in handcuffs. It took only two officers to take down the first kid, however, it took four officers to keep Elijah down and two more to place handcuffs on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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