Chapter II

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I don't own the Metal Gear Solid franchise or any of the original characters.

I do own Elijah and Kazumi owns Erin who is introduced in a written and typed chapter by Kazumi Silverwolf Hatake(fanfiction)



Erin was grumbling incoherent words to herself as she exited the public library. The librarian in charge accused of her loitering and thus kicked her out. Erin wanted to give the librarian a few words of her own, but chose to keep her mouth shut. She wasn't one to add more conflict to any type of situation however, if necessary, she would be the one to finish it. Erin was a teenage girl, around sixteen or seventeen. She has light brown skin (around a caramel complexion), long dark brown hair that extends a few inches pass her shoulders and amber (gold) colored eyes. She was donning a black short sleeve t-shirt, a pair of dark navy blue jeans and black sneakers.

Before she was escorted out, Erin was able to hide the book she was reading before the librarian came up to her. But as soon as she was out the door and was a good distance away from the building, she retrieved the book and started reading once more. She had found it hiding amongst a random stack within the nonfictional/mystery section. The information the book contained was about a Special Forces group known as FOXHOUND. To find such a book in a stack of nonfictional books caused her to wonder; why wasn't this book with the other fictional novels? The book contained nothing but fabricated stories. Besides, if the information was in fact true, of all places, it wouldn't be inside a public library. Instead, it should be inside a secret location within a military base or government building or wherever they hid top secret documents and files. But as she continued to read, she felt as if what she was reading was real. And that somehow, someway, it all actually happened.

The book stated that the leader, known as Big Boss, was responsible for stopping numerous nuclear threats, plus what was left of the Soviet Union between 1950 and 2010. But what was amazing was that he did so with little to almost no help. It was unheard of. How could one person be able to accomplish so much, especially alone? Many questions continued to run through her mind. Another being: why was FOXHOUND created in the first place? Although the book contained quite a bit of information about the group and its leader, there were still unanswered questions. Not only that but there wasn't a single picture of Big Boss or its members, former or current, if they were any still around. However, there were pictures of strange looking war machines called Metal Gear. One was called Metal Gear Ray; the other was Metal Gear Rex.

The book itself caught Erin's interest almost immediately. And honestly, no one would expect someone like Erin to show any type of interest in war, especially since she was a street orphan. She mainly spent most of her time out in the streets then inside a library anyway. After placing the book within her knapsack, she stuffed her hands into her pockets and continued walking, heading to her only class of the day. In the state of Georgia, it was 87 degrees, surprisingly warm. But since it was nearing Spring, and Georgia weather was a bit bipolar from time to time, it wasn't too much of a shock. Once she arrived at the large brick building, she knew she had a maximum of ten minutes to get to class before the tardy bell rung. But when she glanced at a nearby clock, which was hanging high on one of the walls, she found that she only had five minutes left before she was marked as being late. Increasing her pace to a fast walk, Erin hastily made her way straight to the classroom.

Upon entering Mr. Woods's classroom for mathematics, she found that not only was Mr. Woods himself wasn't within the room but neither were any of her classmates. She glanced up at the clock to find that it was nearly time for class to start. Taking her eyes off the clock, she began to scan the room. She found the desks were set up in squares of nine, creating a cross between the four groups of nine. Not wanting to bring any kind of attention to herself, Erin decided to sit within a desk that was in the back, far left hand corner, of the room. Once seated, she retrieved the book from her knapsack and continued reading where she left off. After about three minutes, she spotted something that piqued her interest even more. The following section was a story about a child soldier in Africa that was known as: The Ghost of Africa or simply Ghost to the locals of the land. It stated that the boy was one of thousands (of other young boys) within Africa that was forced to kill their own families and join the revolution.

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