Chapter 4:My friendly head and the ever so hard Bleachers.

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Chapter 4:My friendly head and the ever so hard Bleachers. 

Tuesday mornings are better. I told myself as I sat up from my bed. I put my hands on my face and groaned. No. This aint better than yesterday. The pain was now occupying my head and it made me want to scream. Yesterday was Monday. Besides the fact that nobody likes mondays, I found another reason to detest it. Not only my teachers are pressuring me with loads of homeworks but also he made me do something that welcomed the pain in my head at this moment. He somewhat discvered my despise for sunflowers. It's not like I hate flowers. It's just that everytime I see them, or get near them, I sneeze uncontrollably. Colby showed up at lunch hiding something behind his bag. He seriously put the flowers inches away from my face and he seriously did it on purpose. And that's not even the worst part. I sneezed loudly and I have to say it was a pretty huge sneeze. My food flew to the ground because I was holding my plate when this happened. I was totally devastated. I was really hungry and he just made me waste my lunch.

"Zachary! Get that away from me!" I exasperately said, my hand waving the flower off my face. Hachoo! There it goes.

He smirked. "Oh but Ray, this is just my peace offering. Aren't you happy?"

"No the hell way! Please get rid of that this instant!" I almost shouted at him. Seeing my face, that probably looks like a person suffering from LBM, his smirk widens. Insert sneeze here.

"Oww Walsh. " He said in a serious tone. " You wound me deep." He raised his hands-with the flowers at his grip- and placed it on his chest, feigning hurt. " Here I am, giving flowers as a peace offering and then, there you are all 'get that thing away from me!' and 'No! Get rid of that!'. That's actually too bad for me. Have you no pity, Ray?" He pouts and gave puppy dog eyes but it vanished as his laugh entered my ears.  HachooOh gosh, not the sneezing again. I glared at him and he just shrugged and covered his face with a big smirk and a triumphant look. Hachoo!

All I did all lunch was hide behind Leila as I ate the tuna sandwich she gave me. Thank goodness she has another sandwich or else I would've died. Okay, not really. But I was starving to death at that point.  Leila was actually defending me and shooing Colby away. I owe her my life. No, just exagerting. 

My luck did not end there though. He kept on following me and the flowers kept on chasing me. I sneezed at least one hundred thousand times. But that's still not the worst part of my day. When the final bell rang, I immediately grabbed my things and went straight to my locker and gathered the necessary things.  I rushed outside the school, careful not to be seen by the heartless jerk named Colby.  I was about to exit the school gate but my eyes landed on a monster so I hurriedly turn around and headed to the field. I saw him walking so I quickened my pace. I hid under the bleachers. I sneeked a peek at the direction of my opponent where I last saw him coming. All clear. All clear. All-ha..Ha... Ha........Ha..Hachoo! 

What the...

I glanced behind me and sure enough, yellow flowers were present right before my eyes. 

"Would you quit it already!" 

"Hi to you, too, Raymond." He smiled sweetly. Hi youself.

"Get away, would you?! I-" Oh no. This is bad. So so bad. I-ha.. ha.. hachoo!"  Since I'm really near the bleacher, and my head is such a friendly one, it came contact to the cold and ever so hard steel as my head goes back up after that sneeze.




This is the end.

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