one day loren has some of her younow friends (bruhitszach, duhitzmark, Tyler Brown, Nathan Triska and Blake Gray) come over.. but she forgot about Logan. Logan is Lorens twin but they look nothing alike.. what happens when Logan meets these younow f...
I was riding my penny board that Zach gave me to starbucks. As I got closer I could feel tears in my eyes. Maybe i should of had Mark come.. I came to a stop and picked up my penny board and walked in.
Hey Logan, Bryce said hugging me
Hey, here my penny board put it in the usual i laughed
okk and Zach is over there he said pointing to a table
thank you i said walking over there
Hey Zach, i said softly
Logan he said standing up and hugging me
i hugged him back but felt pretty awkward i mean he did makeout with my twin
soo i say sitting down
im so sorry i didnt mean for anything to happen, he says
i guess its alright, i say with a slight smile
Zach, bryce said signialing him to come get the drinks
Zach walked back
here i got ur favorite he smiled handing it too me
why thank you sure i said laughing
wanna go to the park when were done, he asked
sure, i say
we finish out drinks while talking about stupid stuff
Hey Bryce can you watch my penny board for me while we go walk around the park? i ask
yep he smiles
Zach holds the door open for me and we walk out he grabs my hand and we walk down the road
Logan, Zach starts
Yes, Zach? i ask
Um.. can we start over? Zach asks
yes of course, i laugh
well in that case. logan will you go out with me again he whispers that part and i start laughing
of course i say
yay he says jumping up and down
Back at home
ding my phone went off
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Zach: this ugly is the prettiest ugly person i have ever met. @logan
Logan: aw thanks babe. your pretty ugly tooo<3 @bruhitszach