one day loren has some of her younow friends (bruhitszach, duhitzmark, Tyler Brown, Nathan Triska and Blake Gray) come over.. but she forgot about Logan. Logan is Lorens twin but they look nothing alike.. what happens when Logan meets these younow f...
I woke up with Zachs arms glued to me. Goodness howd i get so lucky?
morning babe Zach said sitting up and kissing my check
good morning baby i say kissing him
after that i got up and went to my bathroom i took a quick shower then changed and did my hair and make up
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I walked out of my bathroom and Zach came up to me an dhugged me and kissed my check then he waked into the bathroom after he got done we went down stairs
Loren what should we do today? i ask skipping down the hall way
Shes in her room and she locked the door Nathan says standing up
oh ill go talk to her i say
ill come with Zach say
no you will not go sit ur ass down i laugh pecking his lips real quickly and running back up stairs i knocked on lorens door
Loren its Logan can I talk to you i say softly
i heard a couple sniffles.. oh god Loren never crys this should be interesting. soon she opened the door her eyes were puffy and her makeup was all smeard
Loren? i say softly hugging her
Logan Mom and dad got into a car wreak mom made it but dad didnt Loren says
I have always been a daddys girl now what am i supposed to do?
i hugged loren for like a hour then walked down stairs
babe come here Zach says jumping up and hugging me
i walked back up stairs Zach trailing behind we went to my room and I sat down
what happened Zach asked
Wel-- i busted into tears
its okay Zach said hugging me
Zach... i say looking up
what he says wiping my tears
I love you i say softly
I love you more baby he says kissing me
Zach.. my dad died i say softly as more tears escape my eyes
oh is all Zach could say
I know how much her dad means to her this is gonna cut her deep. I hate it. When she crys. when shes upset. When i cant be there all the time. That we live so far apart. I just hate it. I love her so much and seeing her like this it tears me apart
Zach ur crying, she says laughing
really i didnt even realize i laughed with her
after that we put on a movie and laid down
Zach you know youll have to go home soon she says
no well go on tour in a week and your comeing with me i say kissing her
really?! she asks getting all excited thats adroable<3
well ya if you want to i laugh
well duh i dont know how well i can do without you. she says
well you do have bryce here tho when i go home hell always be there for you i hope you know. i laugh
i know she says
wait we forgot to get you penny board i say
crap she says
well get it later
it my mom can i take this she says
well duh i laugh she gets up and walks to her bathroom but i can still hear what she is saying
Hey mom how ya holding up?
thats good
wait what why i have friends here mom (oh god)
well i mean i really do want to tour but why do we have to move where my manager is ?
all the way in Texas? (WHAT???!??!?!?!?)
I love you too bye
I walked out of my bathroom and went over to Zach
Where do you live? i ask
Austin Texas he says
well i guess there is a good part of moving I say sitting in his lap
your moving too Austin? Zach asks
yep i laugh
yay! Zach yells picking me up and spinning me around
Happiest thing to happen today.. BUT what about Bryce Hes like my best friend.