chapter 15

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Hey babe can we have everyone over next week untill september (2 months) Mark asked

welp its not like we dont have enough room i laugh

ill tell em he says

ok i say going back to sleep

later on i wake back up to Lucy licking my face. I roll over but she just follows me.

Mark come get your dog i yell 

hey your the one that wanted her he says laughing 

ya ya what ever i say petting her

I dont know who i love more mark says laughing 

my answers obvious i say

its obviously me mark laughs 

its obviously the dog i say getting up and going to our bathroom 

well then  mark said pouting and following me to the bathroom 

I love you mark said hugging me 

i love you too i say turning around and hugging him 

yay he squeals 

lets do something i say jumping on the bed 

the boys should be here pretty soon he says

okay i say going down stairs all make dinner but there no telling how its going to turn out i laugh 

i love your cooking he says kissing my check 

i have cooked like three times Mark i laugh

so it was good he says 

ya okay what ever i say running to the kitchen

Loren Beech's twin sister that no one knew about?!?!?Where stories live. Discover now