The tag duel of despair Yuya & Yugo vs. Yuzu & Rin

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   - Please, Yuya... Please, please. - That was all I heard when I opened my eyes.

Yugo was begging Yuya for something. I stood up quickly and went in the bathroom dressing up. I came downstairs asking:

- What's going on?

Yugo came to me hugging me and answered with tears:

- y/nnn... Yuya doesn't want to go with me on tag duel.

I asked:

- Tag duel?

Yuya answered:

- Yes. And I'm not planning playing with you, Yugo.

I asked confused:

- Why's that?

Yugo answered:

- Because, I want to duel with Rin in order to bring her back. She told me If I play with her a tag duel she'll tell me the truth. I asked Yuto, but he was too busy with preparing for his next job, I don't dare to ask Yuri... You know already why and the only one left is Yuya.

I asked:

- Why don't you ask Zarc?

Yuya and Yugo looked at me confused asking:


I nodded saying:

- Yes. I meet him last night. 

Yuya asked:

- He was here?

I nodded confused. Yugo said:

- Oh.. That's unusual for him to show up here... Anyway... Please, Yuya..

Yuya sigh saying:

- Fine. I'll tag with you. Just don't cry like little kid. y/n, you'll join us as our manager.

I nodded saying:

- Gladly.

Yugo smiled hugging me and Yuya and said:

- Yay, I love you people!

I smiled hugging back. Then we went in the duel school. There were two girls. One with pink hair and one with green hair. Yugo said:

- Hello, Rin, Yuzu.

Yuzu said:

- Hello, Yugo, Yuya and...

I said smiling:

- I'm y/n. Their manager

Rin said:

- So, you keep your word, Yugo. 

I said angry:

- And you disappoint Yugo. How dare you?!

She rolled her eyes saying:

- I don't care... Just let's duel.

Yuya smirked saying:

- Oh, gladly I'll duel you two!

They went in the duel room. I sat on the chair and watched them duel. Yugo and Yuya vs Yuzu and Rin. It was exiting duel, better than Yuri's duel who was way too cruel... After half hour later, Yuya and Yugo won. Yuya came out along with Yuzu. I rushed to him and give him towel saying:

- Good job, Yuya.

He smiled taking the towel winking and said:

- Thanks, y/n.

I blushed smiling. I looked through the glass seeing Yugo and Rin talking. Yugo asked:

- So, care to tell me why you left me?

Rin answered:

- Because I don't love you anymore! Remember that in your stupid head!

Yugo said almost crying:

- Rin, please... Don't leave me...

She said smirking:

- You're stupid idiot and I hate you. Get lost!

She left. I stared at her with dark aura. She's so mean. Yuzu followed her and they left. I came in the room hugging Yugo and said:

- Shh, don't cry, Yugo. She doesn't deserve you. 

Yugo said crying:

- I loved her so much, y/n...

I patted him saying:

- I know, I know...

Yuya sigh looking worried at us. I nodded smiling and Yuya left us alone. I said:

- Listen, Yugo. You're beautiful, good person and you deserve to find good girl who will value your love and you. 

He looked at my e/c eyes with his teary blue eyes asking:

- Is it true that? Am I beautiful and good person?

I nodded answering:

- Of course you are. You're the best person I know. Also, no one can ride d-wheel like you.

He smiled hugging me tight and said:

- y/n, you're the best person I met. If I didn't loved Rin, I would fall for you.

I blushed smiling and said:

- Yugo, you'll find good girl one day, don't worry.

He smiled asking:

- So, I don't have chance...? 

I smiled answering:

- If you try maybe.

He smiled saying:

- Then... I'll do my best to win your heart.

I smiled saying:

- I'm looking forward, Yugo.

He smiled and stood up saying:

- Let's go home. I don't want to be here anymore.

I nodded smiling and we left home. I had more time and I started to clean the house. Yuto asked:

- Um, y/n, what are you doing?

I answered:

- Cleaning the house..

Yuto asked confused:

- Why? We have maid who can do that.

I answered:

- If I'm here freeloader I must do something good.

Yuto sigh hugging me from behind and said:

- You're not freeloader and you're our manager. So, please stop cleaning and dirty your beautiful hands.

I blushed nodding. Yuto smiled kissing my neck. I said blushing:

- I-I better go in my room...

He smiled nodding and let me go saying:

- I'm looking forward to watch me tomorrow.

I nodded smiling and left in my room. I lied on my bed sighing and said:

- What a day... 

I closed my eyes and soon felt a sleep with hope that everything will be fine.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter, coming soon... ^^

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