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I wake up and feel the fresh scent lavender on my pillows. Ari fell asleep ien my room again. The girl cannot sleep without some lavender on the damn pillows. For some reason it makes my stomach turn. I run out my room and down the stairs where I find Momma and Nona eating breakfast. Franky and Ari are no where to be found... as usual. "Hi honey, there's more food on the counter if you're hungry." Mom told me as I stretch my limbs out. "And I'm here of course, it's been a while since you've seen me. Did ya miss me?" Nona says to me, eating a piece of pancake. "Of course I missed you Nona." I plant a kiss on her forehead and walk over to the counter to get some food. "But it's hardly been awhile... I saw you two weeks ago after Ariana got her award at the AMA's remember?" I pluck some pancakes onto my plate and relish at seeing the plate of sausage next to the fruit. There's never meat out when Ariana is here, her being a vegan and all. "Yes I remembah, when do you plan on comin' out of hiding? The people would love to see Ariana's twin sistah. And you should be at those things to support her." Nona asked me in her lovely accent. It always makes me smile, especially hearing it in the morning. Kind of makes me sad too, makes me miss Grandpa Frank. "Le mie bella regazze" he would call me and Ari. It means, "My beautiful girls." I miss him so much, and I know Ariana does too. "Ariana knows how much I support her, and I watch her every time from the T.V. in my room." I say back leaning over my plate t the counter eating my sausage. "That isn't the same Aaliyah... You know that snookims." I laugh and notice the tattoo of "SNOOKIMS" written on my right middle finger. Matching Ariana's "BABYDOLL" tattoo. It's what our Nona has always called us. "Yes, Nona, I know. But I've gone this long unnoticed." I say with pride as I slide into the dining table next to her. "That isn't an accomplishment. You spend all your time cooped up in this house, not wanting to be seen by people. You need to live your life! Explore the world! Tell her Joan." Nona says averting her attention to my mom. I look to my mom as she sets down her phone and look up at us. "You know... I think Nona is right. I don't want you to spend your entire life hiding. You know what? I'm kicking you out." My mother said with a smile on her face. Nona and me both laugh. Mine in disbelief and Nona's in agreement. "Your kidding right?" I ask her dropping my sausage. "Nope, I'm being serious Aaliyah. You need to go out. Meet somebody. Do something... ANYTHING." She says to me picking her phone back up. "Mom. Where the hell am I supposed to go?" I ask her. "You're right... I should've kicked you out sooner so you would know how to survive. Fine you can stay here for one more month, but you need to find yourself a home, and also a job. Which should be very easy." She says to me tapping away on her phone. "Oh yes, because I'm Ariana's twin." I say in a frustrated tone. "Maybe that's why I don't want to leave, because I don't want everything handed to me just because me and Ari share the same face." I say to her standing up to put my plate away. "Honey. That's not what I meant at all. I meant how you have a doctorates degree, you major in math, science, and psychology. You were at the top of your class, which is a very pristine and accomplished class. Not to mention you did all of that and you're only twenty two! So what I'm saying is that you will find a job because of how hard you've worked to earn it. Not because your twins with Ariana Grande." She says to me... actually looking away from her cellphone. I don't know how to respond so I just throw my dish in the sink and walk away to my bedroom to get dressed. I guess today is the day that I leave... I really hope this goes as planned, but what even is the plan?

My life as Ariana Grande's twin sister.Where stories live. Discover now