Show Yourself

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I stare at the phone as it rings and rings. I grab it before the icon goes away and slide my finger across the screen to answer. Before I can even speak I hear Ari's voice boom through the phone. "Aaliyah! If you're not ready to go out, then don't do it. Do not go out unless it's what you truly want and if so, you need to be prepared. Mentally and physically. Bring like two body guards with you everywhere. And where the hell do you plan on going if you do leave? Are you freaking out? Because I'm totally freaking out right now. What the hell is mom thinking? Hello?! Are you there?!" I hear a pause and realize I have to speak now... ugh. "Yeah I'm here." I say plainly. "Okaayyy... So did you hear anything I said?" She asks me. "Yeah I heard all of it." I say back. "What the hell is with these answers that aren't really answering anything. Aaliyah please explain to me what you plan to do." Her voice is so similar to mine it's a little startling. The very faint difference we have is that my voice is a tiny bit lower. People who've grown to know both of us say that I sound like a sleepy Ari. "Well I think mom is right. I didn't at first but now I sort of want to leave the house and maybe find a boy or something. I want to take risks and I want to see the world..." There's complete silence on the other end. I've always been scared that Ari doesn't want me to be known and then make her share the spotlight or something... "Oh my gosh! YAY! Aaliyah I've been waiting soooooo freaking long for you to be ready to show yourself to the world. Oh my gosh I'm so excited. You can actually see me perform on stage. We can go to events together and take pictures on the red carpet together. Okay I'm posting a picture of us right now on my instagram." I hear her get cut off by a voice in the background. Then she resurfaces, "Okay my manager has advised me against posting it, because she doesn't want people freaking out on me for keeping this secret or whatever. But my fans will totally understand if I explain it's what you wanted. So I'm doing it anyways." I smile behind the phone screen. I don't know if I could've left the house if Ari had responded any other way. The call ending with her squealing one last time, and then the love you's and the kisses. Then I was on my way. I kissed my mom and Nona goodbye and got in my car. It was a matte black jeep with chrome silver accents and rims. I honestly wasn't sure how this was going to work but I am ready to take as many risks as I can. I've missed out on so much already. I pull out of the driveway and start to drive to the airport. Then I realize something, I have no idea how the hell to get there. 

My life as Ariana Grande's twin sister.Where stories live. Discover now