Page of Cups

506 6 0

Announcement · Birth · Creative ideas · Good news · Message

The Page of Cups, if it refers to you in your spread, suggests an introspective nature, inclined towards art, and possessing a kind heart. You may let credit you deserve pass you by out of shyness. The card may also be indicative of someone, likely overlooked, in your own life who is in a position to aid you in pursuit of a specific goal. Although somewhat dependent on its position in your spread, the Page is generally the bearer of good news.

There is an idea you have already had that can be developed further for greater results. Your awareness of the obstacles before you will lead you to an understanding of the best ways around them.

Good news will reach you and remind you of the importance of a fresh outlook on life. See the humour in life and remember the healing power of laughter.

Be prepared for an upcoming opportunity. It will pass you by too easily if you are not ready to seize it for yourself. The emotional struggles you pass through will teach you how to love more deeply and intimately.

Yes / No Key Interpretation
The Page of Cups is a gentle, artistic, dreamer-type messenger. He brings with him announcements of good news and messages of new, serene beginnings. All dealings with this card are of a positive nature, and the answer it represents is yes.

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