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Remus John Lupin had a problem. It was not a small problem, either. True, it wasn't quite on the same level as what James so eloquently described as his "furry little problem" but it was still a major issue. In approximately thirty eight minutes (not that he was counting), he had a date. With a girl. Splashing some cold water onto his face in a vague attempt to calm his nerves, he stepped out of his bathroom into the dormitory, where his friends were waiting. "Do I look ok? I really wasn't sure what to wear. Is it too formal? Too casual?" He fretted, tugging at the collar of his shirt.

"For Merlin's sake Moony, it's only a date. I don't know why you're getting in such a flap about it!" James laughed, "If Peter can survive his first one, I'm sure you can!"

Rather late, the smallest, if heaviest, of the quartet glanced up with an indignant, "Hey!" This only served to increase Remus's growing anguish. He was the last of the four to have earned his first date, a merit probably earned by his unabashed reputation as Gryffindor's resident bibliophile.

"You're going to Hogsmede with McKinnon, not Azkaban with a Hungarian Horntail!" Sirius chipped in as he rifled through the trunk at the foot of his bed. It was a minor miracle that he could find anything in there, Remus thought, with his habit of just tossing things in haphazardly.

"It's alright for you, you're like bloody Lothario sometimes!" Remus complained loudly, leaning back against the door frame with a sigh.

"Lothari-who?" Sirius questioned, before suddenly straightening up, apparently having found what he was looking for. Moments later a small object was launched in Remus's direction. Presumably Sirius had intended for Remus to catch it, being all too accustomed to throwing things at James, the star chaser. However, he had clearly forgotten that Remus was in fact, not a star chaser at all, and that he wasn't even a spectator most of the time. In the time it took for Remus to process this, the thing had bounced off of his forehead, leaving a small red mark, and landed on the floor, skidding a few metres.

"He's a muggle char... ow!" Remus bent over to pick up the object, and was slightly mollified upon finding that it was a chocolate frog, and not- as he had first thought- a small rock.

"I thought it might calm your nerves slightly," Sirius explained with a lopsided grin. Remus, however, responded with a small frown, unwrapping the frog and peering at it myopically as it squirmed in his hand. After nearly six years, he knew better than to accept food from any of his friends without inspecting it carefully first, unless he wanted to turn a bizarre colour, or to lose the ability to speak anything other than Gobbledegook for several hours. Or days, as had once happened to poor Peter.

"Your mistrust wounds me!" Sirius exclaimed dramatically, "Even I would not be so cruel as to sabotage your first date!"

James laughed, "It would have been hilarious, but some people are just too righteous!"

Rolling his eyes at his friends, Remus cautiously took a small bite. When satisfied that he wasn't in the process of sprouting any extra appendages, he made short work of the rest of the frog.

"Did that actually help?" Sirius asked incredulously

"Of course it did! Remus loves chocolate almost as much as he loves books- I'm surprised he isn't trying to date them," James joked, coaxing a small smile from Remus.

"Maybe he is, and that's why he spends all that time in the library!" Peter piped up from his Divination homework.

"It wouldn't surprise me, but we ought to get moving. Don't want her to think you're not coming, do we?" James jumped to his feet athletically.

"Maybe I shouldn't go..." Remus muttered weakly, "I'm sure I'm not cut out for this,"

"Marlene's an awesome lass, she has great tits and she's a decent kisser," Sirius announced tactlessly, "Just don't bore her to death, and you'll do fine,"

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