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Remus grappled with a strong wave of nausea as he found himself sprawled on the grass, his father having relinquished his the vice-like grip on his arm a little too soon.

“Are you alright son?” Lyall asked gruffly, “I know this isn’t exactly your favourite way to travel, but…”

“The Floo network just isn’t safe at the moment,” Remus sighed a little impatiently, the lingering vertigo making him somewhat irascible as he got back to his feet.

“Is this really where James lives?” Lyall was evidently trying to change the subject, “I knew they were a wealthy family but…” He waved a gnarled hand around vaguely, indicating the grandiose surroundings, and Remus knew that his father was beginning to feel rather underdressed and out of place, just as he himself had done upon first visiting the Potter’s home. The monetary disparity between his friends’ families and his own was rarely an issue, but at times such as this it was hard to ignore.

Before Remus could say more, a rather stout woman came hurrying down the long driveway towards them, “Remus, dear! I thought I heard you arrive!” Dorothea pulled Remus into a crushing hug, before stepping back to greet his father, “Lyall, isn’t it? You’re welcome to come in for a bite to eat before apparating back- if you’d like, of course.”

Lyall gave a stiff smile, “I’d best be off, but thank you for offering,” He turned to Remus, “I’ll see you in the summer. Keep up the good work, and make sure you write. Your mother does love to hear from you,”

He began to step in for a hug, but twitched his arms back to his side awkwardly, apparently remembering that he was not exactly on the best of terms with his son.

With a crack, he had vanished back to Wales, and Remus felt as if a weight had been lifted from his chest.

Dorothea smiled warmly at him, “Come on, let’s get you inside. I’ve got lunch on the stove, and the boys will be so pleased to see you,” Her expression slipped slightly, “Especially Sirius, poor dear- but of course, you don’t know. I’ll leave it to him to tell you,”

Remus began to wonder exactly what had happened, and for the first time, a small knot of anxiety formed in his chest as he pondered the various possibilities. He moved to pick up his bag, but Dorothea blocked him gently, “One of the house elves will get it for you, dear.”

Remus brushed the mud off his feet before he stepped into the large wood panelled hallway, having barely crossed the threshold when he was hit full force by a large, Sirius-shaped object. He gasped and stumbled backwards, almost losing his balance altogether, “Merlin Pads, are you trying to finish me off?” He coughed out as a muscular pair of arms wrapped around him tightly.

“He has a point,” James laughed wryly from his position in the living room doorway, where he was watching the proceedings with an amused expression.

“Oh, sorry,” Sirius released his death grip, stepping backwards and allowing Remus to get a proper look at him for the first time. It was all he could do to suppress another gasp- Sirius’s hair had been cropped short, and he was sporting an impressive black eye. “Awful, isn’t it?” Sirius grinned self-consciously, obviously having caught Remus staring.

Remus blinked at him dumbly a few times, and mentally shook himself, “What in seven hells happened to you?”

“I got in a fight with a vindictive pair of scissors,” Sirius said brashly, a slight glance in James’s direction informing Remus that the bravado was largely for the other boy’s benefit.

At that moment, Mrs Potter bundled into the hallway behind Remus, almost hitting him with the door.

“Oh, sorry Remus dear!” She exclaimed, “Don’t let me interrupt you, boys,”

Grey Eyes // WolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now