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Remus flopped down onto his bed with a sigh, resting his head on the pillow.

“Oi, don’t go to sleep on me! You promised you’d help with the map again tonight,” Sirius flung himself onto the mattress, the springs almost sending its initial occupant flying.

“But I’m tired, get James to help you!” The taller boy groaned, rolling away from his gangly-limbed assailant and burying his face in his pillow.

“Is James a Charms whiz?” Sirius opted for flattery, “Is James my marvellously clever, book-loving Moony?”

Remus flushed scarlet, and found himself very glad that his face was hidden. “Piss off Sirius,” He grumbled, glancing up when he heard the door heralding the return of Peter and James.

“You’re not going to sleep, are you Remus?” Peter asked anxiously as soon as he entered the dorm, “Because Lily’s waiting downstairs for you to go and do patrol with her,”
Remus sat up reluctantly, having entirely forgotten about that particular prefect duty. “Ah, that would explain why James looks like someone’s performed a spectacular Cheering Charm on him,” he remarked dryly, holding up his hands in mock surrender when the boy in question made a play of reaching for his wand.

“It’s fine Moony, we’ll just get up to lots of mischief. Who knows what could happen without you around to keep us in check?” James raised his eyebrows at Sirius, and then again at Peter.

“Oh Merlin, what do you three have planned?” Remus asked as he headed for the common room door. Sirius opened his mouth to answer, but Remus raised a hand, “Don’t tell me!”

Remus made his way down the stairs to the common room where Lily was sat on one of the leather sofas, folded arms betraying her impatience. “I thought you’d forgotten,” The red-head complained, and Remus was about to hang his head and apologise when she turned to face him, revealing a teasing grin.

“I had actually, I was about to go to sleep when Peter came up and reminded me,” He confessed with a short laugh.

Lily got to her feet, her tone becoming serious, “Good thing he did, I wouldn’t want to be wandering round the corridors by myself at the moment,”

“I know the Slytherins are being prats about the whole muggleborn thing, but Dumbledore wouldn’t actually let anything happen to you,” Remus reassured her weakly, not even managing to convince himself.

“Yes, well, not everyone’s as tolerant as you,” Lily sighed, “To some people ‘the whole muggleborn thing’ is a big deal,”
“I think it would be a bit hypocritical of me to be intolerant, given the whole werewolf thing,” Remus pointed out diplomatically.

“True,” Lily nodded, “This is nothing on the sort of prejudice you’d face if anyone found out,”
There was a short lull in conversation as the pair began to patrol the corridors, keeping an eye out for anyone out after curfew. There were the usual selection of younger students who’d ‘lost track of the time’ (a case they argued with varying degrees of convincingness), as well as a fourth year couple taking advantage of an empty classroom, and they were all swiftly dispatched to the relevant dormitories, but overall it was a quiet night on the miscreant front.

It was Lily who eventually sliced through the companionable silence, as they walked along the corridors back towards Gryffindor Tower.
“Marlene told me about your date,” She said slowly. There was nothing about her words to suggest that Marlene had shared anything other than the party line, but there was something slightly disquieting in her facial expression which caused Remus’s heart to start hammering in his chest. He tried to calm himself with the knowledge that Marlene and Lily were fairly good friends, it was only natural Marlene would have mentioned something to her.

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