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"Mom, the man said, he can help me put my bwaceret on, is that okay?" I heard my daughter, Katie, called out.

Oh geez! This girl will really be the death of me! Now she's talking to a stranger, and a man too!

Katie is such a charming little girl. She makes friends so fast. She is feisty but sweet, at the same time. She is everything that I am not, I think she got her personality from her father.

Meanwhile, my little boy Enzo, is his sister's complete opposite.  He is soft spoken and shy, most of the time he keeps to himself.  He won't say something unless he is spoken too.  He is a sweet boy though and is not afraid to show his affection to me and his sister. But he is the smarter one, he is inquisitive, and asks a lot of questions.

Enzo just reached the bottom of the slide and I take his hand so we can both walk over to where his twin sister is. 

"Mommy, up, pleesh!"  He affectionately said.   And so I pulled him up and put him on my hip. We walk to where Katie is and true enough, a man was with her

His stand looks familiar, but I couldn't see his face because the sun is glaring my view.

"Katie! What did I tell you about talking to strangers?" I tell my daughter.

But instead of answering me, she reprimanded her brother.

"Enzo! You're a big boy now, get down from mommy! You're heavy." Katie exclaims, hands on her hip.

Sometimes I really don't know who is the mommy, Katie or me.

I shake my head in astonishment, not really minding the stranger, my daughter is talking with. 

Enzo wiggled his way down from me and so I bend down to release him.

"Katie?"  A soft whisper came from the man.

When I look up,  what I saw is a gorgeous face of someone so familiar.  Someone I've been looking for, for a very long time,

"Enzo."  I replied in total disbelief. Enzo is standing here, right in front of me.

I tried really hard to find him. I even called the hotel from the airplane so I can explain why I have to to leave right away. But after so many failed attempts to locate him, I have finally given up and just focused my attention to  my twins.

Our twins.

We stood there,  just looking at each other, letting the moment sink in.  I am still in daze,  still couldn't believe that he is here. 

"Oh God, Katie,  I've been looking everywhere for you."  He finally said.  Stepping closer,  he gathered me in his arms, and wrapped me with that familiar warmth I get every time.

And then it happened,  uncontrollable tears started coming out from me.  I bawled and sobbed on his chest.

"Shh.  Don't cry."  He tells me,  caressing the back of my head.

"I - I looked - looked - everywhere for you - you."  I said, in between sobs.

"Shh.  I'm here.  I'm here.  I'm already here.  I'm not going anywhere.  Everything's going to be alright."  He said, assuring me.  

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