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"Good morning guys!"  I greeted everyone as I walk in the kitchen. 

I smell food cooking, breakfast is being prepared and I don't even have to lift a finger.  I still need to get used to the fact that I have help, three in fact.  Richard and I had a discussion about hiring our house staff and I told him that I really don't need a lot, but after thinking about it, and realizing how big of a house we have, I succumbed.  The good thing is that all the house staff we hired are recommended by the help that Richard and his family have for a very long time, so training them is not that hard. Also, they are already informed of non-disclosure of anything that they see or hear inside the Faulkerson household.

"Good morning Maine! How are you?"  Sam asked,  looking up from his iPad.

"Very good Sam, and you?" 

"Not bad.  Although,  I am already dreading next week,  when Richard starts really working again."

"I know."  I sighed.

"Good morning ma'am Maine, do you want me to serve your coffee?"  Leda, the staff in charge of the kitchen asked.

"Oh don't worry about it, I'll fix it myself."  I tell her.

"Why the long sad face hon?"  Richard asked, coming in to the kitchen.  He is wearing an Under Armour tank top and right now, his arms are screaming from the workout he just did.

"Stop ogling Maine!"  Sam teased.

"Sorry,  I can't help it!  I mean look at these, who wouldn't?"  I tell Sam as I squeeze the muscles of my fiancé's arms, who by the way, is flexing it for my enjoyment! Yay!

"And you know why I am working this muscles out right?  It's all for you, because you love squeezing them?"  Richard tells me, hugging me from behind and giving my shoulders and neck a kiss.

I patted his cheek and kissed the side of his head.

"Eww! Richard! You're sweaty  and your hugging Maine!"  Sam squeaked.

"Ha ha ha.  It's alright.  I still love him even though he is bahow!"  I teased.

"Oh my God Maine!  You're speaking in Filipino!"  Sam exclaimed, surprised by my sudden utterance of a Filipino word.

"Hey!  I am not baho!"  Richard contest,  smelling his underarm.

Leda, and Marie, the other house staff, laughed.

"Of course you're not, hon. I am just kidding.  I just really wanted to use that word. Come here!"  I tell him, pulling him closer and giving his middle a hug.

"Well, you can call me baho anytime, as long as I'll be rewarded by this in return."  He said, hugging me tighter.

"Oh God you two! Enough with the cheesiness!"  Sam exclaims.

"Inggit ka lang Sam!  Go look for someone you can be cheesy with too!"  Richard retaliated.

"Oh please!" 

"Hon, what's in-git?"  I asked.

"Jealous.  Sam is jealous of our cheesiness."

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