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"So, how are you my dear?" Frances asked, sipping her cappuccino.

"I am good Frances, really good. I am happy and so peaceful." I tell her, rubbing my belly. 

I love caressing it,  because not only it'l is soothing, I know that my little girl is feeling mommy's touch. I can already feel some bulging although it's not as prominent yet.  I asked the doctor about the size of my belly, I was a little concerned at first, but she said that everything is normal,  letting me know that I am just used to the size of a bigger belly since I had twins the first time.

"I am glad, and that's what important." She lift her cup and takes another sip of her cappuccino. "I can tell that you are more than okay, even the twins, they look much more happier."

"They are Frances. I thought for a while they will have a hard time adjusting, because it is going to be a very big adjustment for them. But no, they blended so well. They love their dad's family - who spoils them tremendously, by the way."  I remember the other day, Richard's dad, buying Enzo an electric motorcycle and a Barbie electric car for Katie. "They have easily adjusted to the language, in fact, they understand and know more Filipino words than I do. And most of all, they have adapted to the showbiz worlds of their father so well. They are now used to cameras and people taking their photos. I'm telling you, my kids are born to be in the limelight." I leaned back on my chair and sighed, realizing that what I said is true.

My kids have really adjusted well.

"Oh yeah, speaking of that, are we going to get mobbed by Richard's fans if we go out?" Frances asked as she takes her mobile phone out of her pocket.

"Not really, if Richard is with us, probably, but most of the time, when I go out, a few will take my photo or will ask for a selfie, but other than that, no."

"Oh" Frances replied, a little bit disappointed.

"Why? Do you want the whole chaos?"

"Well, not really. I just thought it will be an experience. You know, being surrounded by cameras and all," she tells me flipping her hair.

"You are crazy!" I laughed, "but I am telling you now, and I am not going to lie and sugarcoat it, it's fun but annoying sometimes."


"Well, because there are times when I just want a few moment of peace with my family when we are out, but of course, once Richard is recognized, we can't have that. His fans always need to have a photo taken with him. I understand that, but I just hope that they would also take into consideration that, when he is with us on his free time, he is not working. He is just Richard, the father and the fiancé, not the actor. But of course, they don't understand that, so we are the one that needs to adjust."

"Well, his job is not a regular job, you know that, that once you are done with your nine to five shift, you're done. You choose a very popular fiancé, so really, all you can do is understand. And I am so proud to tell you that you are  holding up really good. Just imagine, being a fiancée to a famous person is a hard job. Your actions are numbered. You need to look presentable at all times, not that you are. And you are doing it with so much grace and poise."

"True, but I am just being myself, I am not trying to please anyone but Richard. And mind you, he is not hard to please at all."

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