Chapter 6

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"Caleb come back here right now!" I shouted at him as he ran away from me, giggling.

Since Jace decided to go to my mum's house in London, I thought of taking Caleb to the park again for a picnic along with Jace with the help of my great Mother-in-Law, Elise.  She was tricking him into coming while I was getting Caleb to have a bath but this was one of those days where he didn’t want to go.

 "Caleb, come on" I said to him; feeling tired from all that running. Who knew my own son was filled with so much energy.

Caleb just giggled as I sneaked up behind him. I grabbed him, threw him in the air and then catched him. He burst into another set of giggles. "Bath time" I said while kissing his cheeks.

"Nooooo Mommaaa" He said to me while squirming in my arms. I just laughed and carried him into the bathroom.

Setting him down, I removed his clothes and he quickly ran into the bath tub and played with the rubber ducks. Laughing at him, I made my way to the bath tub and washed his blonde hair with shampoo whilst he played with the ducks. I poured water over his head, making sure to not get the shampoo into his delicate blue eyes that he has gotten from his dad and not my hazel colored ones.

 Getting the towel from the cabinet, I wrapped it around Caleb and took him out of the bath tub whilst he moaned about the ducks and wanting to go back into the bath tub. I chuckled at him and dried his hair and body with the towel.

I lead him into the bedroom and put his clothes on him. I took the comb from the dresser, combed his hair back and then I applied sun cream onto his face and hands since it was a really hot day.

 As soon I was done getting Caleb dressed, he ran away from me. I sighed and went into my bedroom to get myself ready. Stripping off my clothes, I stepped inside the shower and washed myself.

After a long 35 minute shower washing my long silky brown hair, I wrapped a towel around myself once I stepped outside the shower and dried my hair.

Once I dried my hair, I curled some of it and attached a love stoned Headband around my hair. I then applied my makeup which consisted of light pink lipstick, a golden/cream eyeshadow and foundation.

Walking towards my white drawer chest that contained my underwear garments. I picked out a plain white strapless bra and underwear and wore it. I then wore a summer floral printed strapless chiffon dress.  Then I grabbed my embellished sandal and slipped them into feet.  I picked up my silver twist pendant and clipped it safely around my neck as it reached near my cleavage.

"Momma" Caleb shouted whilst running into my room. I turned around to him and picked him up.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked him sweetly

"Daddy" He replied to me, looking sad. I hugged him closely to me and walked down the stairs to see what was going on.

Stepping down the few steps, I could hear shouting coming from different people. Glancing around, I noticed some broken glass on the floor and Jace arguing with Zach, the packs Beta.  Carefully stepping away from the glass, I made my way to the chaos.

 "What is going on around here?" I questioned as they kept on fighting and no one answered.

"Elise, take Caleb away" I told her and she took my baby from my arms and left.

I went towards the fight and pushed both men away from each other. Placing my hands on Jace's chest, I looked him in the eyes. "What's wrong with you? You’re an Alpha, act like one! Don’t go fighting with your pack members!" I shouted at him as he looked towards me with dark black eyes.

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