Chapter 17

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 Lying on my cold, smooth bed, I cried my eyes out until my jet black mascara mixed with my tears, fell down my cheeks until I could taste it on my lips.

I felt like a pathetic, worthless person to ever let him into my life.

To let him use me like a ragdoll.

After we had gotten back from my parents' house, I had put Caleb into his bed as he fell asleep on the way home. I went into my room where I put the bags down that contained our clothes and fell asleep on my bed, not bothering to change.

Once I woke up in the morning, memories of yesterday invaded my mind and I cried until now.

After all the tears had fallen out, I got out of bed and made my way into the bathroom. Where I had a slow shower, I stood in the shower with the water falling over me. I started to sob while I was in the shower, my salty tears mixed with the clean water.

My wolf hadn't spoken to me after she saw what happened at the restaurant through my eyes. I know she was feeling the same pain, I was going through.


After getting out the shower, I wore pink, denim skinny jeans and a red lace top. I wasn't in any mood to know what I was wearing; I just grabbed whatever I thought was good and wore it.

My makeup consisted of pink lip-gloss, black eye liner and silver eyeshadow. I slipped on red bangles through my hand, put on my red love heart earrings and clipped on my silver necklace around my neck. I braided my hair in a small one whilst the rest of my hair was straight.


That's what my heart felt from within me. I wanted the pain to go away but I couldn't chase it away. 

Walking out my bedroom, I went down into the kitchen to eat some breakfast. I didn't want to bother with food but I had to for the baby inside of me. 

"Hey, you look tired. What's wrong?" Elise said to me as she sat across me.

"Nothing, just got in late last night and didn't catch much sleep" I lied straight in her face.

"Kayla, don't lie to me" She said to me

"My parents arranged for us all to go have dinner at a restaurant. It was great until I have to go to the bathroom" I said to her

"I don't see the problem.........are you on your period and you didn't have any tampons with you so you leaked which caused you humiliation?" She asked with her eyes wide.

"NOOO!" I replied to her

"I saw my mate kiss someone else" I said to her, my voice breaking at the end. She gasped out loud and covered her mouth with her hand.

"How....He.....Why would he do that?" She said to me after finding it difficult to come up with an answer.

 "I don't know." I replied to her, sadly.

"Maybe he doesn't want me anymore" I whispered to her.

"No, he wouldn't do that. Kayla he loved you ever since he met you. I remember the first time he told me about you, he was very happy and he had the glint in his eye that showed happiness and love. He would never cheat on you" She said to me as she held my hand.

"I don't know what to believe anymore; I don't trust him" I said to her, sadly.

"Eat your breakfast and then we'll go shopping; try to get your mind off these things." She said to me before she left.

I only ate about 4 spoons of my cereal before I felt sick to my stomach....definitely morning sickness.

Making my way back upstairs, I grabbed my purse and put on my shoes to go out for shopping. I walked into Elise's room where she was putting on her shoes.

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