Chapter 10

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As I ran inside the infirmary room, I thought about the worst happening to Jace.

But there was never a worse 

It was all good

He was alive

Jace was sat up on the bed, drinking water. As I came in, he looked up towards me. Our gazes locked together as they met. We didn't stop looking at each other until the doctor cleared her throat, snapping us out of the trance.

"Alpha Jace is almost recovered. Your one lucky Alpha, normally it would take up to 5 weeks to completely recover but in this case it was just a couple of days. Maybe the Luna coming in here everyday has done some good to you." The doctor said to Jace and as soon he said the last sentence, Jace turned towards me as an unknown emotion went past his eyes.

As the doctor left, I faced Jace again. "You missed a lot you know" I said to him, smiling slightly.

"Caleb always nagged me to let him come here and visit you." I said to him and again he didn't say anything.

I sighed, walked up and got ready to leave. "I heard you." He said to me

Turning around to face him, I asked him confused with his response "What?"

He tried to get up but I quickly reached to him and put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "When I was unconscious, I heard everything you said to me. You were here everyday, not like anyone else did. You took care of me and of this pack." He said to me, his eyes showing guilt, sadness and Love?

Jace grabbed my hands and held it in his own. Warmth immediately spread throughout my body just by his one single touch.

It made me feel alive and strong.

It was like a drug to me, I felt addicted to his touch. 

"I know that you took up the job of being an Alpha for me. You did most of the paperwork and you particularly didn't like the Black Shadow pack because of their terms on something." He said to me, leaning in closer so our faces were nearly touching and his hot breath was on me. 

"I thought I almost lost you, when I saw that rogue try to attack you." He said to me, his forehead leaning on mine.

"You saved me." I said to him

"Your my soul mate" He said to me and smashed his lips onto mine.

I felt happy

I felt like I was on ecstasy

I didn't know how long it was we ever got intimate like this but I'm pretty sure it was a long long time ago because now I'm craving his lips more than anything. My wolf wanted to take control of my body and attack his lips but I maintained control.

 Jace put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I put my hands into his hair and pulled him even closer to me if that was even possible.

He bit down onto my lip and I let out gasp that gave him the opportunity to explore my mouth. I moaned softly at his actions. His hands reached down and pressed onto my bum as he pulled me onto the bed, on top of him. We pulled apart to regain our breath; Jace pushed a stand of my hair back and left a soft kiss onto my forehead. 

Hearing a knock on the door, I jumped off the bed and away from Jace. He growled at whoever was at the door as that person ruined the moment Jace and I had. The door to the room pulled open and Caleb came running in, Elise behind him.

"Daddy" Caleb shouted at Jace and tried to climb onto the bed but it was too high for him. I silently laughed at his effort. Jace grabbed him from the bottom and settled him on his lap.

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