Chapter 34

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We landed the next day in the evening in California. I didn't even manage to get much sleep as a lot of things we're on my mind.

Dalton had gone asleep next to me which I didn't expect since he did just abuse me yesterday. Now that I knew he was Jace's half-brother, I noticed that he did have blonde hair but he had a small dimple near the corner of his lips.

'When will this all be over?' I sigh and think to myself

'When our mate comes and rescues us' my wolf replies to me out of no where

'Oh hello there, nice to grace me with your presence' I said to her which made her grunt at me and then shut me off.

'That's what I thought' I said to her even though she won't hear me.

"Boss" An ugly man said as he tapped Dalton on the shoulder to get him to wake up.

"Boss!" He shouted louder this time which made Dalton's eyes snap open.

"What?!" He spat out which made the ugly man scared.

"We need to leave the plane now" He said to Dalton

"Eurgh! Fine" He said as he stood up stubbornly, grabbed my arms and throwing me off my seat.

Dalton dragged us out of the plane and into the airport that was an American one. The airport was full of people from different ethnics.

'So we had finally reached California' I thought to myself.

"Hurry up" He said to me as he tugged on my arms harder making me wince in pain. His grip was so hard on my arm that was making my arm turn red as he cut off the blood circulation from my arm.

The sun immediately hit me when we walked outside. But all too soon I was shoved inside a black van as the sun was out of my sight and was replaced by only darkness. I tried to make myself comfortable but I couldn't even do that as the car jerked forward and drove off into a high speed.

Dalton and the drive spoke in hushed voices that I could only hear bits of their conversation.

"...Kayla...child...Jace" The person at the driver's seat said to Dalton.

"...No...Can’t deal moon pack" Dalton then replied to the other person.

As I wasn't able to hear the conversation properly, I stopped listening to it as it carried on for a hour. I was hungry and tired and back was getting stiff from sitting in this van.

Leaning my head lightly against the van, I let my eyes close as fatigue washed over me. What didn't help me at all was my grumbling stomach that was eating my insides away as I wasn't eating anything. My poor baby!

The car slowed down to a stop and I couldn't see where we were as this van didn't have any windows at the back. The door to the van opened revealing a man with a black mask on. He grabbed my arm and hauled me out of the van.

'Are the entire gentleman in the world dead? It likes the 90's era was full of them and now they are all horrible and inconsiderate towards women' I thought to myself angrily.

The masked man who's name I don't know yet carried on dragging me into the woods where I tripped over small things such as sticks or stones but that was only because I was being made to walk the pace of a man who was a werewolf and a fast walker. Whereas I was a pregnant she wolf even though I was a Luna but being around 5-6 months pregnant with a strong werewolf baby inside you was difficult to handle because of the hormones and feet achness. I could go on

After about 7 minutes, we stopped outside a dirty looking cabin that reminded me of dirty children when they have food covering their faces, it just makes you wonder if they are eating using their hands or their faces.

Whilst I was checking out the cabin that I was going to spend some of my days in, I was pushed forward by one of Dalton's men to make me hurry up and go inside but the opposite happened to that.

It only went very slowly like someone had pressed the slow button on a remote. I felt the force of the push throw me forward as the wind moved across my face angrily and the sight of the ground filled with dirt and dried up leaves came into view. I braced myself for the impact.

But I didn't feel anything as I was centimetres away from the ground but a pair of hands wrapped around my waist stopped me. I was slowly bought back up and faced towards the person that saved my life but I didn't even wanna look at his face. His eyes held concern and anger in them as he looked at me from head to toe.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded my head at him slowly.

Dalton turned towards the man that had pushed me and a loud growl was sounded from him. He stalked towards the man in a threatening man and picked him up by his shirt collar, pulling him to his face dangerously.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" He shouted at the man who was looking towards the floor as a sign of submission.

"Not t-to touch t-the lady or d-do anything w-wrong w-with h-her" The man said lowly to Dalton.

"Then who told you to push her?!" Dalton shouted in the man's face.

"S-sorry s-sir, i-it won't h-happen n-next t-time" The man said to him as Dalton let him go and dusted off the imaginary dirt from his shoulders.

"Your right, you won't do it again" He said as he placed both of his hand on the man's face and in one movement tore the head off the body as blood flowed out like a river from the dead man's neck.

Screaming out loudly, I fell to the floor as I vomited out the contents from within the body that was trying to come out. I didn't care that people were watching me in disgust as I threw up all I cared about was that because of me someone had lost their life in a cruel way and I just stood there watching it. Dalton had thrown the head on the floor and cleaned his hands with a handkerchief that was given to him by one of his men.

Once he had gotten rid of most of the blood from his hands, he made his way towards me and picked me up from the floor. Leading me inside the cabin, Dalton placed me in a room that actually had a window and bathroom but before he left he chained my legs to the bed so I wouldn't escape.

I sat on the bed with my body curled up (if I could try that without my bump getting in the way) as tears poured down my face whilst my hands were shaking. I had never witnessed a murder so vicious happen in front of me before and I was truly scared of this psycho side of Dalton.

I could hear the commotion downstairs as people were shouting and things were breaking. I hiccupped as I cried to myself, I was terrified and I didn't like it here one bit. I wanted to be with mate.

The door to the room I was staying in slammed open startling me. I jumped up from the position I was in and looked towards the person that had come. It was a woman who was looking towards me with evil eyes. She stalked towards me which made me cower back towards the bed as she took out a syringe from her pocket. As soon as she came closer to me, I screamed out for help but I knew that no one would come but I tried as I had a little bit of hope inside me but that was all vanished as the lady with evil eyes stabbed the syringe in my arms making me scream again.

The syringe was an anaesthetic or something as my head started to feel heavy and my eyes were starting to close on their own accord.

"Sleep tight you little b***h" The lady with the evil eyes said to me as my closed fully.


A/N: Picture of Sophie to the side

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