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What the zodiacs are within the family of zodiacs. (If that makes sense.)

Aries: The eldest and most reckless/sporadic of the signs.

Taurus: The second eldest and the most stubborn of all the signs.

Gemini: The third eldest of the signs and the most mischievous and bi polar of the signs.

Cancer: The fourth eldest of the signs and most caring and sacrificial of all the signs.

Leo: The Fifth eldest of the signs and most confident and proud of all the signs.

Virgo: The sixth eldest of the signs and most analytical and of all the signs.

Libra: The seventh eldest of the signs and most flirty and balanced of all the signs.

Scorpio: The eighth eldest of the signs and the most mysterious and dangerous of all the signs.

Sagittarius: The ninth eldest of the signs and the most humorous and adventuress of all the signs.

Capricorn: The tenth eldest of the signs and the most just and basic of all the signs.

Aquarius: The eleventh eldest of the signs and the most unique and rebellious of all the signs.

Pisces: The twelfth eldest of the signs and the most creative and imaginative of all of the signs.

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