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The signs as demigods. Their Greek parents.
(You can't actually determine this just with your zodiac sign. Other factors effect the results.)

Aries: Ares, god of war

Taurus: Dionysus, god of wine(children usually have an addiction to one specific thing

Gemini: Nemesis, goddess of revenge, the half good half  evil thing

Cancer: Poseidon, god of horses and the sea

Leo: Zeus, god of the sky, lightning, and thunder

Virgo: Athena, goddess of war, arts n crafts, and battle strategy

Libra: Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty

Scorpio: Hades, god of the underworld

Sagittarius: Apollo, god of music, poetry, archery, sun, illness, famine, and a lot of other things

Capricorn: Tyche, goddess of good luck and fortune

Aquarius: Hephaestus, god of fire and blacksmiths(a tinkerer)

Pisces: Hypnos, god of sleep(able to travel through dreams)

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