Charcater OC Part 1

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Okay so this is basically the personality of the signs (the ones in the pictures from earlier chapters. Ps. not saying this is you) I had a request to do this so here it is!! Sorry this is so long. Btw all girls are 16(except Cancer and Gemini are 15). All boys are 17(except Gemini, Cancer, and Aquarius)

Aries Boy: His name is Zackary. He is very hot headed and gets mad easily and absolutely despises annoying people. He is strong and knows how to fight, so don't cross him. He doesn't get along with Taurus and they are constantly fighting. He is a bit of a prankster, but usually only to get revenge. He gets along pretty well with Sagittarius which is where his pranking ideas come from. He isn't the smartest knife in the drawer and doesn't like school at all. He tends to act before he thinks, getting him stuck in detention from time to time. He cares about certain people despite what everyone believes. He doesn't like to show his feelings because he is afraid that if people saw they would think he was weak and use it against him. He is actually a very clever person and creative if people will take him seriously and listen. His aura is red and has a bit of a rebellious strike. He doesn't like to sit still or be contained in any way.He is also quite popular with the girls.

Aries Girl: Her name is Beatrice She is a bit more rational and calm then her male counterpart, but definitely has her moments. She has fierce bursts of anger that are usually because of built up anger. She tries to hold it in, but she snaps quite often. She takes things more as a game and likes to tease people. She never backs down from a challenge and is very competitive. She is better at school then her male counterpart, about a b student. Her aura is also red, but she is MUCH more rebellious. She doesn't like to be controlled and will challenge anyone who tries to control her. She has a way of getting anyone mad if she wants to. She is just over all more rebellious and sneaky then her male counterpart.

Taurus Girl: Her name is Alison. She is a decent student getting A and B's. She isn't a fan if school, but she can deal with it most of the time. Love life isn't that everything to her, in the sense of it doesn't rule her life. She does have a boyfriend and cares deeply for him. She is not a quiet person and can be a bit hyper sometimes(like with friends). She is very, very stubborn and likes to be right. She normally doesn't get angry unless it had to do with Aries, than she gets mad and annoyed rather quickly. She likes to cook and read an occasional book or two. Her aura is dark gray with streaks of green.

Taurus Boy: His name is River. He is for the most part quiet. He likes to spend his time at home rather than at a party or hiking a mountain. He likes food, but never gains much weight. He defiantly has a temper and multiple thinks make him tick. He is generally patient, but has his limit. He is stubborn and will argue with you if it means enough to him. He very much despises Aries and his hot headed actions. He is a good student with A's and occasionally a B. He doesn't enjoy school very much, but still maintains his grades. He can be very possessive over a loved one, but understands they need space. They care deeply and rarely for a specific person. His aura is like a camo color mixing greens, grays, blacks, and browns.

Gemini Girl: Her name is Ellipsia. She is a combination of things. Depending on her mood and other things (like if she had coffee or candy) she is really hyper or can be quiet and observant. She enjoys music, but doesn't LOVE it. She doesn't like people trying to control her or tell her what to do and she has a hidden side that nobody, not even herself can figure out. She is very good at Science and math, but finds school a bore. One thing that always surprises people is how smart good smart she really is. She has a healthy balance of street smarts and book smarts. She doesn't like reading a ton, but can handle a few books a year(if she doesn't get distracted). She is very observant when quiet and even when hyper. She is fun loving and hangs out with Leo a lot. She likes adventure and stimulating things. She isn't annoyed easily and has average anger.

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