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When the signs are beautiful/ what type:

Aries: They are funny, but beautiful when they get flustered.

Taurus:Adorable when pouting.

Gemini: Beautiful when laughing/ smiling.

Cancer: Cute most of the time, especially when they see something good/ kind happening.

Leo: Hot all the time.

Virgo: Beautiful but deadly when concentrating or has their mind made up on a plan.

Libra: Gorgeous when they want to be/ when they blush.

Scorpio: Hot when they are quiet/ chill/ shut away.

Sagittarius: Beautiful when they are inspired or seeking an adventure, or making jokes.

Capricorn: Pretty when they are flustered or happy.

Aquarius: Hot when they are accepted or comfortable.

Pisces: Adorable when they are daydreaming or telling a story.

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