Rant + Confessions Book?
With much content that comes from my brain, ranging from reviews and confessions and things that I rant about. But I shall not disclose any information that reveals my identity or is valuable.
Now artists face a lot of problems - and I'm not talking about just painters or pencil sketchers. I'm talking about a broader term. Musicians, singers, sculptors, etc. They're all artists because they create a work.
This problem is when they find a mistake in their work. They feel frustration when doing it again, and I went through that trying to make the cover of this damn book.
I went through the struggle of drawing the thing from hand, and making it look good. Slap filters on it, then find out it doesn't look good, waste paper (I do not have a digital programming software).
I went through a few drafts, but I threw most of them away before realising I salvaged only one. And that one is blurry somehow. I'll still show it.
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Well, through some filters and all, I made my cover today.
It wasn't ruined by misspelling of my name, bad filters, blurriness, so thanks for that.
Thischapter has been dedicated to Wattpad Covers, GET ITa free online app GET ITNOWWWWon the Play Store. GET IT NOW!
Being relevant now, have you ever wondered how your life would end? I would prefer to die in a painless way. The only thing keeping me alive is the pain of cutting myself. ((No I'm not suicidal but I'm pretty bored with life.))
...and not doing enough good deeds to guarantee myself no pain and bad luck for me in my next life. I'm a superstitious person. I heard of karma in the next life.
So there's a 'Would you Rather' on 'Would you rather know how you die?' or 'Would your rather know when you die?'
If they said I had an opportunity to change my fate, I'd go with how I die. But I risk paranoia and I'm not willing to become usually paranoid so... But my general response is a big fat no.