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-Justin's POV-


Pretending is something that I do most of the time.

I sometimes have to put on a fake smile and just pretend to be happy.

Because I live in world, in a life style, where sometimes I can't be human. I can't be like the other people on Earth. Sad right. But it's my life. And I can't get rid of it. Well maybe I can but I don't want to let my beliebers down. They are the reason I got to live my dream and do what I love.

I can quit but my life will never ever be normal again. It just won't.

I signed up for this. Of course I really didn't know what it exactly was. But now I do. Now I know what I didn't understand as a young boy.

But I've been in this industry for some years now. And one thing you learn quickly in this industry is how to perfect your fake smile. Because I could be having my worst day in my whole entire life. But I could also be having a concert that day. So what do I have to do?? I have to fake a smile and get all hyper to put on the best performance for the people I love and for the people who paid to watch me. They always expect me to do my best.

I could be going through a heart break. And yet fake a smile that same day.

Life is crazy isn't it. Espically with those who are extremely well known. You might think it's fun being famous. And yes it is, at times.

As a human you want privacy. But when you are famous you have very little privacy. It's something that you give up at the beginning of your career.

And as a human you want days where you can just be sad and do nothing. But as a celebrity those days don't exist. They don't.

As a celebrity you have fans. And you want to keep them happy which means that sometimes you have to pretend to be happy just to make them happy. Because you're fans are a big part of your life. And you never want to let them down. Or be disappointed in you. So you go to some extinct to make their day. Even if yours isn't all happy and rainbows.

Some people think that being famous is the like the best thing in life when truly it really isn't. You have to make so many sacrifices. Like leaving your family. Never seeing them often. Never seeing your friends. Being used for fame. Having fake friends. Sometimes having the feeling of being lonely. The hate you get everyday. The judgement of everyone who don't know the real you. Never seeing your siblings. Missing out on your sibling's life. Stressful life. Barley any sleep. On a tight schedule. Traveling.

You get so many great things in life but sometimes those great things can become you're biggest nightmare.

Pretending is a big part in every celebrity's life. Weather they admit or not, it's true. No celebrity in their career life time has not pretended.

In this industry people go crazy. And wanna know why, cause we don't get to be like normal human beings. We just don't. A normal human being would not have to deal with screams every day. And yes it might be pretty cool, but is it really cool when you're trying to get some rest? No it's not. A normal human being pretends some days. You know, maybe you're just aren't feeling that well so you have to pretend. But celebrities do it on another level. We sometimes go weeks with pretending. And there's nothing we can do about it. Our mangers even tell us to pretend. Why? Cause no one wants to listen or see a celebrity who's always sad. Where's the fun in that?

Celebrities can't go through their teenage years, which happened to be the worst ones of y'all, with out getting hate for every little thing they do wrong. A normal teenage person goes to prison and society says "oh no it's fine. They're teenagers, they're experiencing life, they're just having fun. Let them have fun." But when a celebrity goes through their teenage years and ends up in prison, society says " are they going crazy? Wat is wrong with this kid?" 

Society is crazy. And it always depends on how big you are. How well known you are.

In my life, I have done some pretty dumb things. I won't deny it but I was a teenager. And just like every other teenager out there, I wanted to do what they did. And I'm high up there in fame. So it wasn't really hard for me to get drugs. People will do anything just to be seen with a celebrity. Or they would do anything just to kiss a celebrity's ass because what they want is fame.

Plus it's hard to find friends. How many famous celebrities have friends that they can truly trust with everything? Maybe just like one or two. Now when you're famous, you don't know who's trying to know the real you or who's the one trying to know you're money and the fame that comes with hanging out with you.

Like I've said before, 

Pretending is a big part in a celebrity's life.


hope u guys liked it

thought it would be cool to do this

a little truth of a celebrity's life

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P. S. Happy 2017 and I will be publishing another book today, I haven't seen anyone do it before!


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