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It was 7:45 pm. Millie was supposed meet Finn at 7:30 pm. Finn waited outside of the Grand Hyatt New York. He paced back in forth, eager to see Millie. He saw a girl with short brown hair walk out of the doors. She was dressed in a beautiful multi-colored dress with a baby pink jacket layered on top. Somehow she made it work. Finn stared at her in awe. She smiled at him. "Hey Finn! So, how do I look?" She twirled in a circle. "You look pretty," Embarrassed, he added on, "...Good. Pretty good." Millie giggled.

"So, did you walk here or what's going to happen?" Millie questioned.

"Well, I walked here but I'm going to treat you to the Subway," He joked. "We'll be there in 10 minutes. Don't worry."


They hopped off the train car and onto the platform.

"We have to do a tiny bit of walking to get there," Finn smiled. When they arrived at the store/restaurant, Millie saw the warm twinkle lights. She got a random burst of energy. She looked over at Finn's hand and laced her fingers with his. Finn blushed and looked down at his feet. "We could buy food down here and eat at one of open tables or we could go to the restaurant upstairs. You pick."

Millie decided that the restaurant would be more romantic. She was definitely right. It was a rooftop restaurant with string lights above them which provided them all the light they needed. The sun had set and a few stars (really only 2) showed up. They sat down at a little table towards the railing of the rooftop.

"This is nice, Finn. I really appreciate this. But you know I'm paying" Millie smiled.

"Nope. You are not paying. I want to treat a special girl like you to something nice. I've never felt like this about someone before. And I kinda like it." He blushed and looked down at his shoes.

"Yeah, me too. Even though we just met. I really didn't expect to like you or every see you again," She placed her hand on top of his.


Once they had finished their food, the waitress asked them if they wanted desert. Millie's eyes lit up but before she could say yes, Finn politely declined and asked for the check. Millie slumped in her chair.

Finn, noticing this, smiled. "Don't worry Millie. I got something better for you."

After paying the bill, they left Eataly. Finn took her back onto the subway, but this time, he didn't tell her where they were headed. They stopped in West Village. They got to a corner with an ice cream place that read 'Big Gay Ice Cream' in big, bold letters. There was a unicorn decal on the windows. Millie could tell she was going to like this.

They went inside and Millie was enchanted. She looked at Finn and squealed. They made their orders, 2 Salty Pimps, and sat down at a table in the corner of the shop. Millie wasn't very fast at eating even though she wanted too. Finn devoured his within the blink of an eye. He grabbed Millie's ice cream from her hand and took a bite.

"Ew! Finn!" Millie exclamied.

"What! You afraid of germs? What would happen if I kissed you? Would you say ew?"

Millie blushed. "No. I wouldn't actually,"

Finn, who definitely didn't expect her to say that, raised his eyebrows. "Oh really? Are you sure..." He said slyly. He leaned in towards Millie. Millie knew was coming and she was prepared, even though this was her first kiss. Then, Finn's lips hit Millie's, causing an explosion inside of both of them. Finn pulled away after a few short seconds and smliled, "Was that 'ew'?" He joked. Millie blushed, her lips still tingling.


"You wanna to the Upper West Side or is it too late?" Finn asked Millie as they swiped their MetroCards at the gates in the subway. Millie nodded in excitement. She really wanted to kiss again, but she didn't know how. When they got though, they waited for the subway. Finn looked at Millie and said, "You know, you're a good kisser. How many other guys have you kissed?"

"Well, uh...none. That was my first kiss,"

"No way! Well, now I'm not jealous of any other boys."

"How many girls have you kissed, Finn?"

"I prefer not to say,"

"You have to Finn. I did it. You have to too,"

"Well... that wasn't my first, but it was definitely my best."

Millie blushed. The subway car was approaching just in time for Finn not have to admit to the number of girls he'd kissed.


Finn rushed to get to their destination. He rushed past Carmine's and then Big Daddy's. He somewhat rushed by a Victoria Secret store even though he slowed down to look at the models. Millie swatted his arm and scolded at him.

"That's disgusting Finn!",

"I'm not looking at them. I'm just a baby boy!" He said pretending to be innocent.

They hustled until they got to Baked By Melissa. "It's about to close we better hurry!" Finn exclaimed. They got there with 20 minutes till closing time. Finn let Millie pick out a dozen mini cupcakes. She jumped up and down and hugged Finn. "You are honestly the best person ever!"

Finn smiled. They went outside and sat on a bench.

"I've had so much fun, Finn. I need to see you again."

"I promise you will. I'll make sure you do."

"How do you know your way around the city so well, Finn? It's like you live here. And do your parents just let you run around a huge city?"

"Yeah, my parents don't care that much. I'm just an explorer. I remember locations and their events forever. Like, when we went for ice cream and we kissed, I'll never forget that location, it's purpose to me, and how to get to it. I'm just like that."

"Oh really?" Millie lifted one eyebrow. Now's your chance Millie. Kiss him. Millie leaned towards Finn and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"You're going to have to do more than that to make me remember," Finn joked. Millie, not picking up on the sarcasm, kissed him again, but this time, it was longer and sweeter. She pulled away and Finn was out of breath.

"Woah. I didn't know you had that in you," Finn took a deep breath and wrapped one arm around Millie.


"Well I guess this is goodbye. For now." Millie said.

She stood at the entrance of her hotel with Finn as they said their goodbyes. Finn held her hands and placed them on his shoulders. He timidly placed his hands softly on her waist. And then he kissed her. He didn't feel like he was in the middle of New York. He felt like he was floating, higher and higher in the air as every second passed. Millie felt the same. She didn't want to let go of Finn, but she knew she had to go. Still in position, Millie looked down at her feet and whispered,

"To be continued?" Finn smiled.

"Yeah," Millie pulled her hands down and pushed her hair out of her face.

"Bye, Finn. Hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow."

What a night, she thought as she walked into her hotel. Finn waited for Noah to come down from Sadie's room. All he could think about his special plan for tomorrow.

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