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God. I'm going to have to tell my mom everything, Millie thought. I'm going to have to find an exit.  She punched his leg to get his attention to tell him was going to look for an escape, but he didn't look down. He grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up. Millie heart was pumping so hard, she thought Finn might me able to hear it. She started right at the security guard, who's jaw was hanging wide open. Finn took a slow step backwards and then he started to bolt, dragging Millie behind her. They ran away from the guard and out the emergency exit, which for some reason didn't go off. He ran to the elevator and clicked the button a million times. He kept looking over at the Lounge, nervous about getting caught. The elevator doors finally opened.

"What floor are you staying on? Do you have your key? What room are you stayi-" Finn said but Millie cut him off.

"Are you crazy?! You aren't allowed in my room!"

Finn looked at her in the eye and grabbed her shoulders.

"We don't have time for you to put up a fight. I need you to give me the key,"

Millie, seeing the crazy in Finn's eyes, reluctantly handed over the key.

"5th floor. Room 546." Millie said looking down at her feet.

There was a long silence in the elevator.

"Finn, what's the matter with that guard. I mean, his mouth was hanging down like you were a celebrity or something."

Finn sighed. "Well, I can't get out of this one can I?" He let out a sad laugh and traced the pattern of the elevators carpet with his foot. "That was my dad. He hasn't seen me in ages."

Millie squinted her eyes. "In ages? I thought you lived here..."

Finn looked up at Millie. He smiled, "I ran away Millie. I stay with whoever I can. I'm just waiting until the summer to go back to Canada. Hopefully, I'll never have to leave. Maybe- I don't know- I hope my parents work something out where I don't have to see my dad,"

"What's wrong with your father? What does he do?"

"Nothing, Mills. He's just crazy mean and I never can do anything right. My brother Nathan is perfect. I'm the stupid son." He pauses and looks up at Millie.

"I'm going to deep. This night was supposed to be fun. " Finn scuffs and wraps his arm around Millie.

The elevator doors open and they walk hand in hand to Millie's hotel room.


Sadie springs up when she hears the door open. Her eyes widen as scary thoughts creep through her head. It's a murderer. I'm going to die in New York City. Crap. Wait. Where's Millie?

Millie turns on the light and takes a step in front of Finn.

"Welcome to my humble, happy home!" She says with jazz hands. Finn smiles and looks at Sadie. He smiles at her.

Crap. I forgot she'd be here. Finn thought.

Crap. Why is he here. Sadie thought.

"Now what?" Millie questions slumping her shoulders.

Finn eyes Sadie, "I had some ideas but I guess I should get going. I mean, it'd be awkward with Sadie here."

Sadie's eyes lit up. "No, no. It wouldn't be awkward! Besides, I have to stop you from going too far!" Sadie sneered.

Finn cocked his head and squinted his eyes. "Too far? You think I'm like that,"

Millie, noticing the situation, jumped in front of Finn. "Oookay. Well, Finn, why don't we watch some T.V?" She pecked his cheek.

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