9. Luna

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"Are you looking for Liam, Sophia?" Luna Addie asked as she stood in the doorway of the bedroom. Sophia and I both whipped around to look at her; neither of us heard her entrance. The quick motion unsteadied me slightly.

Luna Addie's full name was Adelaide, but she preferred Addie. She was a vision of beauty, pose, grace, and perfection. She was always a great mother to her kids and she cared greatly for her pack. Her wavy brown hair was pulled away from her face and into a ponytail. Her cheekbones sat high near her almond-shaped hazel eyes. Her figure was to die for. She was tall with curves in all the right places. Her athletic build was accentuated by her compression tank top and black spandex capris. She looked like she just finished working out.

She knew the real reason Sophia was here. She seemed to know that Sophia saw me as a personal threat, but felt the need to protect me, almost motherly. Luna Addie played unaware on purpose. Sophia bowed her head slightly in embarrassment for being caught by the Luna with her green monster showing.

"Y-Yes, I am, Luna. Have you seen him?" Sophia answered terribly. It was clearly a lie. She already found what she was looking for.

"He went for a run. You can probably find him out back. But please make your visit quick, we're having company for dinner tonight," Luna Addie answered diplomatically. Sophia thanked her quietly before giving me a look that told me to back off; he would always be hers.

As if I didn't already know that. I released a breath as my eyes stung again with unshed tears against my will. I didn't want to feel so strongly towards Liam, but I hated Sophia for being in the way. It had only been a day and I was already tired of my babyish reaction to a fact I knew from the start. I hated knowing. I attempted to dry my face discreetly as I faced Luna Addie again.

"I'm Luna Addie. You must be Dani," she introduced herself to me. I nodded, not trusting my voice at the moment. "It can't be easy for you," she said as she came closer. I held in the sniffle that wanted to be let out to kick start my tears. I wouldn't let it happen.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied. I knew exactly what she meant. Somehow, she picked up on the fact that Liam and I were mates, and it only took her all of two minutes.

"He's an idiot... my son. Ignoring a great catch that was literally made for him for something so... bland, but familiar," she continued. I felt the stubborn tear fall despite my efforts. I knew she was trying to console and comfort me, but the wounds were too fresh and it stung anyway. I had nothing to add. I was embarrassed that my eyes were probably red and puffy over Liam.

"Your mother was my best friend. I miss her a lot. We grew up together, you know? Liam told me that you haven't shifted yet, and you didn't even know about... well, any of what we are until today at school," she said, changing the subject off of her son. I nodded.

"It was... taxing, but now I feel as if I've known my whole life," I explained.

"Yes, your gift of sight and moon-kissed eyes. You were actually born during a full moon, you know? I was actually there. You almost didn't make it. Your heart stopped while you were still in the womb, but your mother refused to let you die. They wanted to send her in for an emergency c-section, but they feared they were already too late, so Beck used her own claws to rip her stomach open to get you out. The bleeding was too much though, and there were only enough available hands to work on one of you. You still weren't breathing, and your mother wouldn't let them touch her until you were awake and crying, but by the time that happened, it was too late for your mother," Luna Addie explained, throwing herself back in time.

She was deep in thought. I wanted to see what happened. I wanted to see my mother, but I knew I was too weak to try it. It would have to be another time when I was sure I was strong enough for whatever it was. She sighed and touched my back gently. I flinched out of habit from the scars I received there from Evelyn. Luna Addie either didn't notice or didn't acknowledge it as she let her hand fall to her side.

"Dinner will be ready in half an hour," she said before she left the room, closing the door behind her. I sat on the bed before enveloping myself in Liam's blanket and laying down. I wanted to cry and smile at the same time. His smell was comforting, but it wasn't mine to take comfort in. I sighed and closed my eyes. Maybe if I just slept here, I wouldn't have to sit through what was sure to be the most awkward dinner of my life. I could already see me having to explain my lie as to why I don't eat meat to Liam's entire family.

I relaxed and drifted off into a light sleep. Suddenly I was in the forest. Liam's wolf trotted to the end of the tree line just as Sophia turned to continue her pacing in a field. She was wearing the same clothes as the ones she came to see me in. The vision was of today. It could've been right this moment even. She was furious, but her face just held a pout. Liam shifted back and threw his basketball shorts on.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. It took Sophia by surprise. Hell, it even took Liam by surprise. Sophia had dropped in whenever she wanted all the time and he'd always welcomed her, but not so much this time.

"Bella wanted me to come over," she lied. Liam rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Of course she did," he muttered.

"Your mom told me to leave. And that new girl is stalking you or something. I caught her in your room. And she was even wearing your clothes," Sophia said as she crossed her arms. Liam was just happy to hear that I accepted his clothes. Sophia didn't like the satisfied look on his face at all.

"Sophia, don't play dumb. I know that you know exactly who she is to me," Liam warned her.

"I'm your mate, as far as anyone else is concerned," she whined. He glared slightly in annoyance.

"I know, and that's the way it'll stay for now, but you have to leave Dani alone. I mean it. No petty games or trying to embarrass her. The more you do, the more my wolf wants to get rid of you... permanently. I'll still protect her above you, its instinct. Don't forget that," he explained. They took a breath and calmed down a bit.

"So what do we do now?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said as he pulled a nearby shirt over his head. "No one knows who she is, and we'll keep it that way," he answered. Sophia was satisfied with his answer and hoped his attitude towards the situation stuck. She wanted nothing more than to be the next Luna.

"Your mom knows," Sophia countered. "When I left, your mom was consoling her. She said it couldn't be easy for her." I didn't even know she heard that much.

"She could've been talking about anything, Sophia. I'm not about to jump to conclusions," Liam said as he began walking back towards the house slowly while holding Sophia's hand.

"She knows, Liam. And if you want to keep us a thing, you need to stop being so nice to that girl. The more you ignore her, the easier it'll be," Sophia advised. He leaned over and captured her lips with his in a kiss. My heart ached at the sight.

"I just had to make sure she was okay. I couldn't just leave her on the ground in the cold," he countered. She stood in front of him and trailed a finger down the front of his shirt seductively as she bit her lip through her smirk.

"Well, if you want, after she leaves tonight, I'll let you take care of me all you want. And I can take care of you, too," she said seductively. The thought of sex with Liam was heavy on her mind from experience. My heart squeezed tighter at that. I don't know why I expected him to be a virgin, but for some reason, I did. It made me want to stay the night just to spite her. He would feel too guilty to do anything with his mate in the house, and I knew it. Liam kissed her goodbye with the promise to text her later before he went into the house and straight to his room.

The room was dim as the sun dropped to sleep for the day. He looked at my sleeping figure in conflict. He cared for the curled up innocent girl on his bed, but he didn't know what to do about it. He loved Sophia; he was in love with Sophia, but I was his literal soul mate. The problem was, I was too new, too different, and too unfamiliar. I scared him a bit. He didn't know me, and I didn't know him.

I was a werewolf who, at 17 years old, hadn't shifted yet. I was a wolf who didn't even know what she was until a few hours ago. I was the wolf with the moon-kissed eyes and an unexplainable gift of sight. I was the wolf with the mysterious past. I was the wolf who was his mate.

He leaned over and kissed my forehead as he pushed a strand of hair away from my face. I looked troubled, even in my sleep. My eyes were still puffy, and my face was red and blotchy from crying. He felt bad and guilty. He knew he was the cause of my tears, but it still wasn't enough to make him change his mind.

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