30. Complications

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We went straight to Liam's house and found Luna Addie in her office. As soon as we walked in, she could sense something was wrong. We quickly explained why was going on as we sat in the chairs in front of her desk. She bummed thoughtfully, twisting her rolling chair back and forth from behind her desk.

"Alpha Greg is an ally of ours. I think the best course of action would be to hold a meeting with him before things get out of hand," Luna Addie suggested. It sounded like a good idea. Just in case he may have been under the assumption that I hurt the Alpha family on purpose, it would be best to bring peace through a conversation.

"Who all would be at the meeting?" Liam asked curiously. I could sense his anxiousness.

"Your father, of course, me, maybe Beta Trevor, and Dani," Luna Addie answered.

"Why not me?" Liam asked, growing even more anxious.

"Your feelings for me as your mate might cause you to lash out, creating more of a problem," I answered, instantly understanding the Luna's reasoning.

"Correct, Dani," Luna Addie conformed.

"But I want to be there," Liam snapped.

"Look at you now. You can't even hold it together in front of your mother, there's no way I'm risking it at that meeting. Plus, I can take care of myself, so there's really nothing to worry about," I responded to him. He huffed and slumped down in his seat. The office door opened, averting our attention to Alpha Connor.

"Yes honey?" He asked, walking further into the room until he was standing next to Liam.

"We need to set a date for a meeting with Alpha Greg," Luna Addie explained.

"The date can't be on a new moon," Liam said quickly. I glared at him.

"Although you're right, that's not really for you to say," I said in frustration.

"They have to know, Dani," he replied.

"Your mom is already aware," I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Aware of what?" Alpha Connor asked. My hand fell away from my face as I looked at him.

"I'm the weakest during a new moon. I have to pull energy from nature on that day, or I get weak and dizzy. It was the reason I passed out in the woods when I first met Liam. The opposite goes for a full moon. Of course, I didn't know any better then," I explained.

"That shouldn't be a problem then. How about next week? It's supposed to be full," Alpha Connor suggested. I nodded in agreement. "I'll go make the call," he said before leaving the Luna's office.

"Sorry," Liam muttered sheepishly as he cast his eyes towards his lap.

"I also think you should stay at our house for the time being. I know you can handle yourself, but I don't want you inadvertently putting your grandparents in danger if anyone comes looking for you," Luna Addie said. Liam's thoughts were screaming at me. He was excited and immediately thought of finishing the mating process.

"This is not the time to be thinking about that, Liam," I exasperated as I glared at him. He blushed and tucked his chin into his chest to keep from looking at me. Luna Addie chuckled.

"I don't even want to know," she said as she shook her head. "Stay here for the night, you can borrow some of Bella's clothes for now. During the day tomorrow, I'll take you home to grab some of your things and explain your situation to the Wilders," Luna Addie added. I nodded. I knew she was right. It would be reckless to put my grandparents in danger when we didn't know the situation yet.

"Thank you," I smiled softly at her. We said our final words before Liam led me up the stairs to his room. His intentions didn't waiver far from his earlier thoughts.

"I'm not sleeping with you, Liam. And I'm not sleeping in your bed. There are plenty of guest rooms in this house," I said as soon as he closed the door behind us.

"You know, it kind of sucks that you can hear my every thought," he countered with a pout. I only chuckled and sat on his bed.

"I can't help that," I shrugged.

"And I can't help my thoughts. I want to be with you every second of the day and night, but I know you, so I refrain from being as possessive as I want to be. But our mate bond has grown stronger for me, and it was already strong from the start. I don't want you to ever leave my side, and I know how that sounds but I can't help it," he tried to explain. Being in his thoughts, I already knew how he felt. His thoughts were consumed with me. The mark on my neck felt hot suddenly.

"I get it. I really do, but in the situation that we're in right now, it's not safe. Getting caught up in each other right now will only blind us from everything else going on. One of us has to keep our eyes open," I responded. Liam's brain understood what I was saying, but his heart didn't. He lifted my chin and kissed me, releasing a gently sigh as he did so. My eyes closed on their own as my arms went around his neck, pulling him on top of me. It seemed that my heart didn't understand either. A knock on the door made us break away from each other. I quickly sat up and dangled my legs off of the edge of his bed.

"Come in," Liam said as he propped himself up on his arm. Bella came in unsurely, holding a few pairs of folded clothes in her hands.

"My mom told me to give this to you Dani," she said as she placed the clothes on the edge of the bed next to me. I thanked her before she left. I turned to Liam knowingly.

"A guest room, Liam," I said.

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