23. Unexpected Visitor

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"I thought you didn't pop in with others around in this form?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her. Mya stared at my red-headed version of Aria in shock. Aria shrugged as she tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Eh, I like Mya. You trust her; I trust her. Plus she fears me too much to say anything, and rightfully so," Aria explained.

"I wasn't expecting you until tonight. What changed?" I asked.

"Watching you piss off a pack is fun, but Sophia is up to something, and I plan on doing something about it. I would suggest you do something, but the whole moon thing, and this problem requires my delicate touch," she explained. I glanced at Mya who was still staring at Aria like she was a ghost.

"Don't worry, she'll snap out of it eventually," Aria waved it off.

"So what's so important that I need your help?" I asked, getting back to the subject at hand.

"Sophia is going to try something stupid, and it's easier to tie up her hands instead of wasting your energy," she said vaguely.

"I thought you didn't medal in petty wolf affairs," I asked.

"I don't, but this is different. She's messing with your life, and inadvertently messing with me. And no one embarrasses me, ever," she answered. I figured that was all I was going to get out of her for now.

"Y-You're the Moon Goddess," Mya said, finally snapping out of it. Aria chuckled.

"That, I am, Mya," Aria confirmed before hopping off of the counter. I checked my hair in the mirror and reapplied some chap stick.

"Y-You know my name," Mya said, still shell shocked. I didn't want to burst Mya's bubble and tell her that Aria knew everyone's name, but it earned a chuckle from me.

"Just keep being a good friend to Dani," Aria said to Mya as she touched her shoulder gently. Mya went into a shocked state again as she stood there frozen.

"What did you do to her?" I asked knowingly.

"I just gave her a little good luck. Nothing to worry about," Aria said innocently. "Oh, and stop being so harsh to Liam, at least in public. You're like Cruella, and the pack is watching you closely now," she said before she vanished. I sighed as I leaned against the sink.

"That was the Moon Goddess," Mya said innocently. I chuckled and shook my head as I looked at her. She didn't seem noticeably different to me, which was good.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked. She nodded excitedly.

"That was the Moon Goddess," she repeated with a big smile. I was about to suggest we get back to the party, but screams erupted from outside followed by growling. Mya and I looked at each other before we rushed outside. The kids were being herded inside the building as we stepped back out into the chill. I maneuvered to the front of the crowd before an arm held me back. I looked to see Liam as he pulled me into his side. I allowed it as I looked at what was setting everyone on edge. Two rogues had stumbled into the field and it looked like we missed all the fun. One rogue was slayed out on his stomach with gashing wounds running down his back. The other rogue was on his knees with his neck extended in a sign of surrender. Alpha Connor stood closest to the rogues with his hand covered in blood. It was probably from the rogue.

"You picked a hell of a day to wander here, kid," Alpha Connor said to the rogues. They looked around my age, if not a little bit older. Sophia seemed to move forward out of nowhere as if someone were pushing her against her will. Mya did next. They looked at the rogues and froze instantly.

"Mate," they said almost at the same time. Everyone heard them and knew what it meant.

"These rogues are your mates?" Alpha Connor asked for verification. They nodded without looking at Alpha Connor. I noticed the injured one looked like he was about to bleed out. His face was going pale.

The injured one is Sophia's mate. Heal him now, or he's going to die, but don't overdo it, Aria whispered in my head. I wanted to groan out loud but I kept it in. After a reluctant second and an eye roll, I moved forward as well.

"Alpha, may I suggest some... privacy? If we don't get the injured one help, he will die," I suggested, my eyes on the ground out of respect. He nodded before ordering everyone else away. The only people who stayed were Alpha Connor, Luna Addie, Liam, Mya, Sophia, and myself. Sophia rushed to move her mate.

"Don't touch him," I ordered. She turned to growl at me. I rolled my eyes. "If you move him, he'll die for sure," I explained.

"What can you do that I can't?" she challenged.

"Well, I can heal him, for starters," I shrugged as I moved towards them.

"You're lying. We need to get him to the healer," Sophia said to me, before talking to Luna Addie.

"Actually, Dani is your best bet," Luna Addie stuck up for me. Sophia sighed before she backed up. The other rogue was already up and holding Mya. She looked so happy. I got on my knees over the injured rogue who was now coughing on him own blood. I pressed my hands against the hard dirt first and focused, pulling the energy from the earth before I touched either side of the rogue's gash. He yelped quickly, which earned a growl from Sophia. Alpha Connor, held her back after that. I focused on the rogue and felt the energy drain from me as the wound started closing up. I could feel his organs shift and mend under my fingers. He screamed as I healed him. I continued until I felt myself start to get dizzy, and a trickle of blood ran out of my nose.

"Okay, that's enough," Liam said, stopping me. I looked up, feeling lightheaded. I sat back on my butt with a breath. The rogue was now sleeping peacefully. Liam scooped me up and placed me on my feet. I swayed slightly. Liam held me upright. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I-I need to lay down," I breathed. Sophia moved to her mate and touched his face gently.

"What's wrong with him? I swear if you hurt him I'll-"

"She saved your mate. I think the words you're looking for are 'thank you'," Alpha Connor stopped Sophia's rant. Mya's mate looked at me.

"Thank you... for saving my brother," the other rogue thanked me. I was about to say 'you're welcome' when everything started to get spotty.

Damn it, Aria.

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